A lexical shift is happening around the word cannabis. It's a term that’s changing social norms, business, law, and government.
A lexical shift is happening around the word cannabis. It's a term that’s changing social norms, business, law, and government.
Whether you’re planning to spend your summer weekends at festivals, weddings, or a combination of the two, there’s one accessory you need above all else—flower crowns, of course!
A small, bipartisan group of lawmakers is renewing a push at the federal level to legalize marijuana, calling it a criminal justice issue.
A small, bipartisan group of lawmakers is renewing a push at the federal level to legalize marijuana, calling it a criminal justice issue.
Cannabis consumers are as varied as they come, and as such there are plenty of people who both toke and enjoy taking care of their health.
One of the best things legalization has brought the style-minded set is an explosion of boutique cannabusinesses designing smoking accessories that actually fit into our lives.
Reefer madness appears to be fading into oblivion -- at least when it comes to popular attitudes. The law lags behind.
Reefer madness appears to be fading into oblivion -- at least when it comes to popular attitudes. The law lags behind.
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — Ever since Californians voted to legalize marijuana, more people are embracing it – especially women.
Rachael Carlevale’s life has taken some twists, including a health crisis, that helped her develop the Ganjasana yoga system, which she says centers on using cannabis plant medicine mindfully.
There are hundreds of booths at the three-day festival, which also features concerts, a grow room, carnival rides, food trucks, educational seminars and more.
(ABC) - A majority of American adults have tried marijuana at least once in their lives, according to a new Marist poll that was conducted in partnership with Yahoo.
(ABC) - A majority of American adults have tried marijuana at least once in their lives, according to a new Marist poll that was conducted in partnership with Yahoo.
OTTAWA — Fulfilling a campaign pledge, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced legislation on Thursday to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in Canada.
April 20th, also known as 4/20, is the annual holiday for all things weed, and Hill staffers will have a unique chance to celebrate.
April 20th, also known as 4/20, is the annual holiday for all things weed, and Hill staffers will have a unique chance to celebrate.
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