Gov. Nathan Deal signed into law Tuesday a measure that expands the state’s medical marijuana program.
Gov. Nathan Deal signed into law Tuesday a measure that expands the state’s medical marijuana program.
Gov. Nathan Deal signed into law Tuesday a measure that expands the state’s medical marijuana program.
North Carolinians overwhelmingly want to see medical marijuana legalized, according to a new Elon University poll.
North Carolinians overwhelmingly want to see medical marijuana legalized, according to a new Elon University poll.
Women have long used over-the-counter pills to treat cramps, but the 'View' co-host has an herbal remedy: medical marijuana.
Reefer madness appears to be fading into oblivion -- at least when it comes to popular attitudes. The law lags behind.
Reefer madness appears to be fading into oblivion -- at least when it comes to popular attitudes. The law lags behind.
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