SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — Ever since Californians voted to legalize marijuana, more people are embracing it – especially women.
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — Ever since Californians voted to legalize marijuana, more people are embracing it – especially women.
Medical pot patients could see their marijuana become cleaner and safer, with the cost jumping about 10 percent, under new draft regulations for California’s multibillion-dollar medical cannabis industry.
Medical pot patients could see their marijuana become cleaner and safer, with the cost jumping about 10 percent, under new draft regulations for California’s multibillion-dollar medical cannabis industry.
Gov. Jerry Brown revealed a proposal last week to simplify statewide rules that govern medical and recreational marijuana sales and production, in anticipation of the launch of the recreational cannabis industry in California in 2018.
Gov. Jerry Brown revealed a proposal last week to simplify statewide rules that govern medical and recreational marijuana sales and production, in anticipation of the launch of the recreational cannabis industry in California in 2018.
More than a quarter of all legal cannabis in North America is sold in California, despite much stricter laws than Colorado or Washington.
In a decision that illustrates how just how far marijuana has moved into the mainstream, California’s largest public utility said it would now offer pot growers the same discounts on energy that it provides other farmers.
KRON4’s Maureen Kelly got an inside look at a lab in Berkeley that is believed to be the first permitted marijuana manufacturing company in California.
San Diego legalized recreational pot dispensaries on Tuesday and the city also opened up the possibility it will allow pot farms, manufacturing facilities and testing labs.
Marijuana distributors are already lining up to pick brand names for their buds once sales become legal in 2018.
The estimated value of marijuana is more than the top five leading cash farm receipts for commodities in California combined.
When Californians voted last month to legalize recreational use of marijuana, they may not have realized they were also allowing retroactive changes that could turn a felony pot conviction into a misdemeanor.
When Californians voted last month to legalize recreational use of marijuana, they may not have realized they were also allowing retroactive changes that could turn a felony pot conviction into a misdemeanor.
California’s Proposition 64, which decriminalizes marijuana and reinvests in the communities most impacted by racist drug policies, is arguably one of the most significant criminal justice policy shifts in a generation for Latinos.
California’s Proposition 64, which decriminalizes marijuana and reinvests in the communities most impacted by racist drug policies, is arguably one of the most significant criminal justice policy shifts in a generation for Latinos.
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