The stereotype of the cannabis consumer is a young guy with long hair and for extra points a tie-dye shirt. The reality is that a majority of cannabis consumers are professionals and steady customers for the dispensaries.
The stereotype of the cannabis consumer is a young guy with long hair and for extra points a tie-dye shirt. The reality is that a majority of cannabis consumers are professionals and steady customers for the dispensaries.
North Carolinians overwhelmingly want to see medical marijuana legalized, according to a new Elon University poll.
North Carolinians overwhelmingly want to see medical marijuana legalized, according to a new Elon University poll.
Reefer madness appears to be fading into oblivion -- at least when it comes to popular attitudes. The law lags behind.
Reefer madness appears to be fading into oblivion -- at least when it comes to popular attitudes. The law lags behind.
(ABC) - A majority of American adults have tried marijuana at least once in their lives, according to a new Marist poll that was conducted in partnership with Yahoo.
(ABC) - A majority of American adults have tried marijuana at least once in their lives, according to a new Marist poll that was conducted in partnership with Yahoo.
Public support for marijuana legalization surged in 2016, according to data just released from the General Social Survey.
Public support for marijuana legalization surged in 2016, according to data just released from the General Social Survey.
A Pew Research Center survey of nearly 8,000 police officers finds that more than two-thirds of them say that marijuana use should be legal for either personal or medical use.
A Pew Research Center survey of nearly 8,000 police officers finds that more than two-thirds of them say that marijuana use should be legal for either personal or medical use.
NCIA: At no point in our nation’s history has there been more support from mainstream America for taking marijuana out of the criminal market and putting it behind a legal, regulated counter.
NCIA: At no point in our nation’s history has there been more support from mainstream America for taking marijuana out of the criminal market and putting it behind a legal, regulated counter.
More Wyoming residents support legalizing marijuana now than two years ago, according to a survey released earlier this week.
Taken together, this year's marijuana surveys suggest that Americans have grown even more bullish on the prospect of legal weed than they were in 2014.
Taken together, this year's marijuana surveys suggest that Americans have grown even more bullish on the prospect of legal weed than they were in 2014.
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