Lost to most in the flurry of legislation at the end of the South Carolina General Assembly’s session earlier this month was a bill legalizing the growth of industrial hemp. Not pot, but hemp.
Lost to most in the flurry of legislation at the end of the South Carolina General Assembly’s session earlier this month was a bill legalizing the growth of industrial hemp. Not pot, but hemp.
Lost to most in the flurry of legislation at the end of the South Carolina General Assembly’s session earlier this month was a bill legalizing the growth of industrial hemp. Not pot, but hemp.
COLUMBIA — A bill allowing the growth of industrial hemp has cleared the Senate and is expected to be accepted by the House this week, lining South Carolina farmers up to begin planting the crop before the year is out.
COLUMBIA — A bill allowing the growth of industrial hemp has cleared the Senate and is expected to be accepted by the House this week, lining South Carolina farmers up to begin planting the crop before the year is out.
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — South Carolina Rep. Eric Bedingfield once shunned all marijuana use, but when his eldest son's six-year struggle with opioid addiction ended with his overdose a year ago, the conservative Republican co-sponsored medical cannabis legislation.
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — South Carolina Rep. Eric Bedingfield once shunned all marijuana use, but when his eldest son's six-year struggle with opioid addiction ended with his overdose a year ago, the conservative Republican co-sponsored medical cannabis legislation.
COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - The issue of legalizing marijuana for medical use was discussed at the South Carolina State House Thursday.
COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - The issue of legalizing marijuana for medical use was discussed at the South Carolina State House Thursday.
AIKEN, S.C. (WRDW/WAGT) -- A mother is begging South Carolina lawmakers to take a walk in her shoes as they decide how to vote on a new medical marijuana bill.
AIKEN, S.C. (WRDW/WAGT) -- A mother is begging South Carolina lawmakers to take a walk in her shoes as they decide how to vote on a new medical marijuana bill.
FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – Several state legislators want to legalize a crop they say could help farmers still reeling from flood damage.
HORRY COUNTY, SC (WMBF) - The medical marijuana bill, which is currently in discussion in the state Senate, and a law that would allow farmers to grow industrial hemp are two separate issues.
HORRY COUNTY, SC (WMBF) - The medical marijuana bill, which is currently in discussion in the state Senate, and a law that would allow farmers to grow industrial hemp are two separate issues.
COLUMBIA, S.C. - A bill expanding the use of medical marijuana has just been introduced in South Carolina, and on Tuesday supporters talked about why they are behind what's being called the South Carolina Compassionate Care Act.
COLUMBIA, S.C. - A bill expanding the use of medical marijuana has just been introduced in South Carolina, and on Tuesday supporters talked about why they are behind what's being called the South Carolina Compassionate Care Act.
Two South Carolina bills planned for introduction in 2017 would legalize medical cannabis for qualifying patients in the state, effectively nullifying the unconstitutional federal prohibition on the same.
Two South Carolina bills planned for introduction in 2017 would legalize medical cannabis for qualifying patients in the state, effectively nullifying the unconstitutional federal prohibition on the same.
For five years, Republican state Rep. Peter McCoy of James Island was a state prosecutor in Charleston, working hundreds of drug cases along the way.
Sen. Tom Davis is pushing for tight control — electronic tracking from seed to sales — of licensed, verified, documented medical marijuana that only a doctor could prescribe.
A Landrum lawmaker has pre-filed a bill to allow physicians to prescribe CBD oil, also known as cannabis oil or cannabidiol, for some medical conditions.
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