San Diego legalized recreational pot dispensaries on Tuesday and the city also opened up the possibility it will allow pot farms, manufacturing facilities and testing labs.
San Diego legalized recreational pot dispensaries on Tuesday and the city also opened up the possibility it will allow pot farms, manufacturing facilities and testing labs.
Dozens of people came to a Southern California hemp importer’s warehouse to look at products and support the domestic farming of industrial hemp.
Dozens of people came to a Southern California hemp importer’s warehouse to look at products and support the domestic farming of industrial hemp.
California’s Proposition 64, which decriminalizes marijuana and reinvests in the communities most impacted by racist drug policies, is arguably one of the most significant criminal justice policy shifts in a generation for Latinos.
California’s Proposition 64, which decriminalizes marijuana and reinvests in the communities most impacted by racist drug policies, is arguably one of the most significant criminal justice policy shifts in a generation for Latinos.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) said Friday she plans to vote for California's Proposition 64, making her one of a small number of high-level politicians to support legalizing the recreational use of marijuana.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) said Friday she plans to vote for California's Proposition 64, making her one of a small number of high-level politicians to support legalizing the recreational use of marijuana.
California appears poised to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, with a strong majority favoring Proposition 64 ahead of Tuesday’s vote.
California appears poised to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, with a strong majority favoring Proposition 64 ahead of Tuesday’s vote.
DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Thousands of people descended upon downtown Los Angeles for a massive marijuana expo.
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