Cannabis News

Canadian health insurance company to cover Medical Cannabis

A major Canadian health insurance company will soon cover medical cannabis. 

Federal appeals court hears hemp industry lawsuit challenging DEA’s position on CBD - Cannabis News

Attorneys for a hemp industry trade association and hemp businesses argue that the DEA conflated the terms “marijuana” and “cannabis,” ultimately creating a rule that can be interpreted as scheduling cannabis and cannabinoids as illegal substances.

San Diego Pop-Up Dinners Pair Cannabis With Food - Cannabis News

January 1, 2018 brought an entire new industry to San Diego’s doorstep: legalized cannabis.

Emotional families welcome first sales of medical marijuana in Pennsylvania - Cannabis News

Pennsylvania’s first sales of medical marijuana on Thursday proved to be as emotional as it was historic.

Cannabis Tech: Automation, control, consistency

While it’s no secret, consistency is key to producing a quality cannabis crop with the maximum yield possible, maintaining consistency can be challenging as the business grows.

Democrats Forming Marijuana Legalization Consensus - Cannabis News

Support for marijuana legalization is quickly becoming a mainstream consensus position in the Democratic Party.

Can Olympic Athletes Use Cannabis? Officially No, But… - Cannabis News

Olympic athletes are allowed a fair amount of leeway when it comes to cannabis test results, but they still operate in a world with scant protection for medical use.

Rick Steves Urges Vermont to 'Take the Next Step' in Weed Legalization - Cannabis News

If you're only familiar with his travel show, "Rick Steves' Europe," you might not guess that the mild-mannered PBS personality is one of America's most prominent advocates for marijuana legalization.

Do you need a degree to work with Marijuana?

Lilach Mazor Power, CEO and cofounder of The Giving Tree, sees hiring university graduates, especially those with scientific degrees, as the logical next step in the rapidly professionalizing world of weed.

Pot-users want judge to declare marijuana safe under US law - Cannabis News

The lawsuit claims the government’s decision to classify marijuana as dangerous is irrational, unconstitutional and motivated by politics, not hard science.