Cannabis News

These 12 States Could Pass Marijuana Laws This Year - Cannabis News

Quite a few states could pass marijuana laws this year. Legalization has been a slow but steady process in recent years.

How Marijuana’s THC Breaks Down The Toxic Plaques Of Alzheimer’s Disease - Cannabis News

Five million Americans suffer from the disease. THC may play a big role in combatting it.

Tennessee's State Legislature Is Close to Passing Medical Marijuana Legislation - Cannabis News

Tennessee Republicans are warming to the idea of medicinal marijuana.

Minnesota: State's report on medical marijuana termed 'clinically significant and promising' - Cannabis News

Four in 10 Minnesotans who have taken medical marijuana (cannabis) for intractable pain report that their pain has eased by 30 percent or more, according to a report released Thursday by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).

Jamaican farmers just harvested their first legal cannabis crop


After a century of prohibition, ganja is now growing legally in the island nation.

American Legion Pushes Congress On Medical Marijuana At Hearing - Cannabis News

The leader of the U.S.’s largest military veterans organization pressed Congress to allow the use of medical marijuana during a hearing on Wednesday.

Arkansas names 5 companies picked to grow medical marijuana - Cannabis News

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas took the first step Tuesday toward launching its medical marijuana program, as state regulators named the five businesses they intend to license to grow the drug.

Denver approves first social marijuana license, allowing vaping and edibles in Lincoln Park coffee shop - Cannabis News

A Denver coffee shop received city approval Monday for the nation’s first business license to allow marijuana use by patrons under a 2016 voter-approved initiative.

KS lawmakers consider measure to conduct research into uses of industrial hemp

PLEVNA, Kan. State lawmakers in Kansas are considering measures to conduct research into the uses of industrial hemp.

The product comes from a sativa plant, like marijuana, but the hemp plant looks much different and is used to create thousands of products.

Nevada Makes $30 Million In Marijuana Taxes During First Six Months Of Sales - Cannabis News

The Silver State’s marijuana industry is still in its infancy, but the cannabis market has raked in more than $30 million in tax revenue for the state so far.