Over 3 million individuals are affected by autism, but only three states — Delaware, Georgia and Pennsylvania — allow medical marijuana as a treatment.
Research into the potential medical uses of marijuana compounds continues apace.
Over 3 million individuals are affected by autism, but only three states — Delaware, Georgia and Pennsylvania — allow medical marijuana as a treatment.
Research into the potential medical uses of marijuana compounds continues apace.
ALBANY — There’s the rub. Medical marijuana will soon be available in chewable tablets, lozenges, and ointments under new regulations announced Thursday by the state Health Department.
HONOLULU (AP) -- Dispensary sales of medical marijuana in Hawaii are beginning after patients waited 17 years for a legal way to purchase the drug.
The state approved two training programs so far.
The largest survey on cannabidiol or CBD usage to date found that women were more likely than men to use CBD and once they started using it, were likely to drop their traditional medicine.
Medical cannabis has proven helpful in assisting patients with various diseases, disorders, and maladies since its first uses in ancient times.
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Minnesota residents suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can start buying medical cannabis.
Many in Washington State's burgeoning pot business say cannabis can help you relax. A Washington State University study may just back that up.
Marijuana legalization is scheduled to come next summer and one business in Edmonton that helps veterans and first responders get cannabinoid therapy is getting ready.
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