WASHINGTON (WUSA9) - Starting Monday, patients in Maryland can begin applying for licenses to obtain medical marijuana legally in the state.
The suggestion is that rather than using powerful painkillers, people are instead turning to legal pot.
WASHINGTON (WUSA9) - Starting Monday, patients in Maryland can begin applying for licenses to obtain medical marijuana legally in the state.
The suggestion is that rather than using powerful painkillers, people are instead turning to legal pot.
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Since the passage of the medical marijuana bill in Minnesota, patients across the state have been helped.
It's a highly charged issue, and when it comes to medicinal cannabis, New Zealand - like many countries - is grappling with what to do about it.
A new clinic is experimenting with a concept made possible by the growing legalization of marijuana: that pot, rather than being a gateway into drugs, could be a gateway out.
BROOKHAVEN, Ga. - Cannabis oil has become part of Georgia mom Julianne Martin's new routine.
Anxiety is driven by fear – research suggests that cannabidiol dilutes fear by changing the brain’s activity.
It has been nearly a year since the state granted eight medical marijuana dispensary licenses, but it wasn't until last month that several licensees started pot production.
ALBANY -- Chronic pain sufferers will now be able to get medical marijuana prescribed to them in New York.
Unlike most states, Alabama does not allow the medical use of marijuana. But the state has recently passed laws allowing the use of some marijuana-derived extracts that can't get you high.
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