An intriguing preliminary report out of a prestigious research institute suggests cannabis may actually protect the brain.
Marijuana and medicare: here's what the government tells us.
An intriguing preliminary report out of a prestigious research institute suggests cannabis may actually protect the brain.
Marijuana and medicare: here's what the government tells us.
Texas will soon have its first working grow facilities for cannabis.
Cancer patients are using marijuana to relieve a variety of symptoms. But even in states where it’s legal, patients are not getting the information they need.
The first study medical competency study of physicians-in-training during the legalized marijuana era has found that doctors have a poor understanding of cannabis pharmacology.
Deryn Blackwell, a 14-year-old teen hailing from Norfolk, England, was in the midst of preparing his own funeral before cannabis saved his young life.
If you smoke pot to help you sleep, there are a number of health effects it has on your body.
AUSTIN -- Medical marijuana dispensaries are moving ahead quickly to begin operations in Texas, with at least three companies now expecting to be open by early 2018.
The parents of a young brain damaged girl who once faced regular seizures have credited cannabis oil with saving their daughter's life.
The first crop in Maryland’s long-delayed medical cannabis program is mature and waiting for testing, but it is still unclear when patients might be able to buy it.
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