AUSTIN - In order to remove the stigma of medical marijuana, crowds marched through Austin Saturday as a part of the 10th annual Marijuana March.
AUSTIN - In order to remove the stigma of medical marijuana, crowds marched through Austin Saturday as a part of the 10th annual Marijuana March.
AUSTIN - In order to remove the stigma of medical marijuana, crowds marched through Austin Saturday as a part of the 10th annual Marijuana March.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a battle that sometimes continues even after a veteran puts away their combat boots. 12News sat down with a Jefferson County man who served two tours in Iraq and now has PTSD. The vet is asking lawmakers to let him use pot.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a battle that sometimes continues even after a veteran puts away their combat boots. 12News sat down with a Jefferson County man who served two tours in Iraq and now has PTSD. The vet is asking lawmakers to let him use pot.
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries, and chronic pain are just a few of the service-related conditions veterans return home with.
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries, and chronic pain are just a few of the service-related conditions veterans return home with.
In Texas, the fight to legalize medical cannabis can only be won through legislative advocacy, rather than through a direct petition by citizens.
In Texas, the fight to legalize medical cannabis can only be won through legislative advocacy, rather than through a direct petition by citizens.
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