A new initiative seeking to legalize medical marijuana has been unveiled in the Iowa Senate, and the proposal will have its first test on Wednesday.
A new initiative seeking to legalize medical marijuana has been unveiled in the Iowa Senate, and the proposal will have its first test on Wednesday.
A new initiative seeking to legalize medical marijuana has been unveiled in the Iowa Senate, and the proposal will have its first test on Wednesday.
Unlike most states, Alabama does not allow the medical use of marijuana. But the state has recently passed laws allowing the use of some marijuana-derived extracts that can't get you high.
Unlike most states, Alabama does not allow the medical use of marijuana. But the state has recently passed laws allowing the use of some marijuana-derived extracts that can't get you high.
BATON ROUGE – Louisiana State University will begin taking offers from contractors to produce marijuana for the state for medical purposes.
BATON ROUGE – Louisiana State University will begin taking offers from contractors to produce marijuana for the state for medical purposes.
Americans are in pain. Over 2.5 million people in the US are addicted to opioids, the US Department of Health and Human Services reports. About 80 die daily from opioid overdoses. It’s gotten so bad that even conservative state legislators want to legalize medical marijuana, arguing it’s a safer, less addictive pain killer.
More than half of US states have legalized marijuana for medical use, but only now is the nation's first research facility for medical marijuana opening.
The most comprehensive research review ever done on the topic found that marijuana can help battle depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even addictions to alcohol and painkillers.
AUSTIN - The latest polls show voters are poised to legalize marijuana in all five states with initiatives on the ballot this November. For marijuana advocates in Texas and elsewhere, the new year could begin with the wind strongly at their backs.
AUSTIN - The latest polls show voters are poised to legalize marijuana in all five states with initiatives on the ballot this November. For marijuana advocates in Texas and elsewhere, the new year could begin with the wind strongly at their backs.
DES MOINES | Sick, suffering Iowans and their children came to the Iowa Capitol building Tuesday to urge voters to research legislative candidates' position on expanding access to medical cannabis.
DES MOINES | Sick, suffering Iowans and their children came to the Iowa Capitol building Tuesday to urge voters to research legislative candidates' position on expanding access to medical cannabis.
When I started looking into medical marijuana, I was skeptical. I was not a recreational user, and I had not had any luck with other natural remedies.
A study released just last year reveals that cannabis improves the way in which the body heals broken bones.
Medical marijuana may have a potential role in oncology for treating anticipatory and refractory chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, for treating refractory cancer pain, and as an antitumor agent, a new review concludes.
The nation’s largest military veterans organization is officially calling on the federal government to reschedule marijuana.
Delaware's laws on marijuana have evolved over the years since the medical marijuana program was signed into law in 2011.
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