WeedLife News Network

Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.

Pet CBD benefits: Meet Healthy Hemp founder Dave Merrell

Home cannabis cultivation has come a long way since the days of total prohibition, with more states and Washington DC now offering some form of cultivation provision.

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Avoid These 5 Common Cannabis Growing Mistakes – Cannabis News

Achieving great cannabis is no easy feat, and many mistakes can be made along the way.

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BUSINESS Denver City Council considers changes to Marijuana Rules in effort to bolster Delivery

With recreational marijuana use on the verge of becoming legal in Maine, real estate brokers are seeing a jump in demand for industrial spaces that could become indoor marijuana farms in the not-too-distant future.

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If You Invested $2,500 in Innovative Industrial Properties in 2019, This Is How Much You Would Have Today

A greenhouse industry expert looks at whether it is better to retrofit existing greenhouses, or to purpose-build greenhouses for marijuana growing.

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Efforts underway to legalize recreational marijuana in Missouri

A former NASA researcher who spent his time looking into plant-based life-support systems for long-duration space missions has a new focus: indoor cannabis cultivation.

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Lamar Marijuana Ballot Survives Challenge

Before cannabinoid testing and genetic profiling of the cannabis plant, consumers would judge a batch of weed based on its smell, taste, and color.

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Hemp Futures: a growing hemp producer in Estonia

After months of hard work carefully tending your plants, you’ve finally harvested a crop of frosty, fragrant cannabis buds that you just can’t wait to try. But first, they need to be dried.

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Millennials Or Boomers? A New Study Tells Which One Uses Marijuana More Frequently

There are currently 15 states with medical cannabis home grow provisions and three states (D.C. included) where adults are allowed by state law to cultivate at home recreationally, with some of these states carrying heavier qualifications than others.

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Deadline looms for decisions concerning New Jersey’s recreational cannabis sales

Renowned grower Jorge Cervantes will answer readers’ questions and give advice on all things related to the cannabis plant.

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County police issue advisory over marijuana laced with fentanyl

According to an age-old farming tradition, the phase of the moon has a huge impact on how well a plant will grow.

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Fly with Cannabis – Which Countries Let You Do It

A 1,000-watt bulb, Image: Matthew Staver, Bloomberg

Pot’s not green. The $3.5 billion U.S. cannabis market is emerging as one of the nation’s most power-hungry industries, with the 24-hour demands of thousands of indoor growing sites taxing aging electricity grids and unraveling hard-earned gains in energy conservation.

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Maine’s First Weekend Of Legal Cannabis Sales Tops $250K

Cannabis grow operation in a Denver warehouse. Image: WeedWorthy.com

“It’s all just getting snatched up by these marijuana people.”

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Biden’s Statement on Marijuana Reform: What Does it Mean?

Robert Grandt works in the grow room at 3D Cannabis Center in Denver on March 11. Marijuana growing facilities contributed to the city's energy use increase. (RJ Sangosti, The Denver Post)
Bruce Finley ~ Denver Post ~
Metro Denver’s surging legal marijuana industry means surging energy usage in the region.
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Congress Will Consider These Marijuana Amendments Next Week - Cannabis News

Image of Kindman Brand Recreational Marijuana products
Bruce Kennedy ~ WeedWorthy ~
The CEO of Denver-based Kindman announces the expansion of his production and packaging facilities, an action that should help to stabilize the pricing of cannabis.
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What have we learned about the arguments for and against legalized Marijuana in the past 10 years?

Image of hemp products
Depending on who's talking, a 20-acre hemp farm about 10 miles south of Grants Pass is either the harbinger of a new industry that could help save rural Oregon – or an existential threat to local marijuana farmers just as they're anticipating boom times.
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