Hemp history week began on June 6, and one hemp businessman and activist is driving across the country for the second phase of his Hemp Road Trip, to show America the power of industrial hemp.
WeedLife News Network
Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.
Outdated policy is clearly hurting our farmers as the hemp market grows and American consumers rely upon imports from countries such as China and Canada.
VIENNA, W.Va. (AP) — Hemp seeds are being distributed to approved growers in West Virginia for a research project on the crop.
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A task force commissioned by ResponsibleOhio to study the effects of its marijuana legalization plan released its findings here Thursday morning but did not endorse the group's proposed constitutional amendment.
Laura Donovan ~ SALON ~
Opponents of legal cannabis say it leaves you fried, but research shows it can actually improve your mental health
Associated Press ~ Lawrence Journal-World ~
TOPEKA — A bill that would ease many of Kansas' marijuana laws has stalled in the Senate and likely won't be considered again this year.