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Majority of Minnesotans support legalization of hemp and marijuana-derived edibles

Support was similar across genders, ethnicities and education levels, but varied by party affiliation and age.

A majority of Minnesotans surveyed as part of a new MinnPost/Embold Research poll say they support the state legalizing intoxicating THC edibles and beverages derived from hemp — which happened in July — and said the state should legalize marijuana-derived edibles.

In 2012, Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize recreational marijuana use. Since then, 19 states and the District of Columbia have made marijuana legal for recreational use, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

In Minnesota, medical marijuana has been legal since 2014, but efforts to make the substance legal for recreational use have failed to gain traction. But this year, a controversial piece of legislation made edibles derived from hemp — not marijuana — legal in the state for adult recreational use.

The law, which went into effect July 1, allows for the purchase of food and beverages with up to 5 milligrams of THC per serving while placing a limit of 50 milligrams per package. It came as a surprise to many after its passage, with some elected officials admitting they weren’t aware of the scope of the bill when it passed. The law doesn’t include provisions for regulation, taxation or enforcement, prompting some local governments around the state to develop their own enforcement rules.

Still, the poll suggests the regulatory change making THC edibles and beverages legal in Minnesota is popular with Minnesotans: 60% of the poll’s respondents said they believe Minnesota should allow the sale of THC edibles and beverages made from both hemp and marijuana. Another 7% of those polled say the new law allowing hemp-derived products works for them but don’t support the legalization of products made from marijuana. Crosstabs can be found here.

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Recreational marijuana is the future

It’s time Iowa joins the winning team and legalizes marijuana.

Individuals with a federal charge for marijuana possession are no longer criminals.

President Joe Biden declared a pardon on Oct. 6 for thousands of individuals with a “simple marijuana possession.” Any other crimes that relate to marijuana are excluded.

Iowa should follow this example of clemency by decriminalizing recreational marijuana. Decriminalizing marijuana will create more equitable communities and give the state a stream of revenue.

Iowa is one of 31 states that criminalizes recreational marijuana use.

“As I said when I ran for president, no one should be in jail for using or possessing marijuana,” Biden said in a statement. “It’s already legal in many states, and criminal records for marijuana possession have led to needless barriers to employment, to housing, and educational opportunities. That’s before you address the racial disparities around who suffers the consequences.”

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Thousands more pets are getting sick from accidentally eating Marijuana

The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center reports that it handled more than 6,200 cases of potential marijuana toxicity in 2021.

A few days ago, I arrived home to find my beloved 12-year-old dog in a semi-comatose state. She couldn’t move her back legs. She flinched when I touched her elsewhere. She was “out of it” in a way that almost suggested she might be experiencing a very bad trip.

As it turns out, that’s exactly what was happening. The 16-pound Lulu was suffering from marijuana toxicity, as I learned after rushing her to an emergency vet.

At first, I was confused: My wife and I don’t keep marijuana in the house. But we do take Lulu out for two walks a day in our New York City neighborhood. The vet suspected Lulu probably found the marijuana, whether in plant or edible form, somewhere along our morning stroll and then ingested it, with the drug taking full effect hours later.

The vet added that this is becoming almost an everyday occurrence in her practice: Dogs like to eat whatever they come upon in the streets — or in the home — and the consequences can sometimes be medically serious.

I always knew that chocolate was hazardous for dogs. Same with rat poison, which can also be found on city streets. But marijuana? And was this really occurring on a regular basis?

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Biden pardons thousands: is it enough?

On Oct. 6, President Joe Biden announced new efforts his administration is taking to reform the drug policy.

This includes taking steps to decriminalize marijuana, beginning with pardoning all people who have been convicted of marijuana possession under federal law. This does not include people who have been convicted of selling or distributing marijuana illegally. 

Biden also asked for the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Baccara, and Attorney General Merrick Garland to review the federal status of marijuana, according to Politico. Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I Drug under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning that it has no acceptable medical purposes and is highly addictive.

This categorizes marijuana with drugs such as heroin, LSD and ecstasy, and it prohibits all marijuana use according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. Lowering marijuana’s classification to a Schedule II Drug would put it in the same category as most opioids, and it would allow marijuana to be prescribed by doctors, according to Reuters. 

Criticisms of the efforts have come from both sides of the aisle. Some Democrats and progressives see the efforts as a step forward, but not eliminating major problems, considering the pardons impact relatively few people. According to Reuters, there are not many federal convictions for simple marijuana possession, and the administration says the pardons will affect 6,500 people. As a result, many activists say that this does not address the heart of the problem.

Although this will not result in people leaving prison, it will clear the records of those affected, allowing them to gain employment opportunities, apply to colleges and obtain other opportunities to help them move forward with their lives. Biden also acknowledged that many people are convicted under state or local laws, according to Reuters. He encouraged governors to pardon people convicted of simple marijuana possession under state laws.

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Government of Yukon completes handover of cannabis retail sales to private sector

The Yukon’s cannabis licensees now operate all retail locations, online sales and delivery.

As of 17/10/2022, the Yukon Liquor Corporation’s Cannabis Yukon website will no longer sell cannabis products to Yukoners, leaving cannabis e-commerce to private licensees.

In May 2022, the Government of Yukon introduced regulations that allow licensed cannabis retailers in the Yukon to sell and deliver legal cannabis products to Yukoners. This fulfilled the Government of Yukon’s commitment to support the Yukon’s private cannabis industry.

I am pleased to fulfill our commitment to transfer all cannabis retail, including online sales, to the Yukon’s private, licensed retailers. The Yukon’s cannabis industry continues to see year-over-year growth and I look forward to seeing the  industry continue to thrive, responsibly serve Yukoners and contribute to our territory’s economy.

Minister responsible for the Yukon Liquor Corporation Ranj Pillai

Quick facts 

Cannabis Yukon opened in October 2018 and closes today. The website is being re-purposed to provide wholesale purchasing options to the Yukon’s licensed retailers.

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Cannabis lands a Homerun: major league baseball signs deal with CBD Company

In a recent announcement, Major League Baseball announced a sponsorship deal with cannabidiol (CBD) company Charlotte’s Web.

Major League Baseball (MLB) is continuing to be a breakout star in the cannabis industry. In 2019, they removed cannabidiol (CBD) from its list of banned drugs (1), which was the first US sports league to do so. Now, the MLB is the frontrunner again by striking a sponsorship deal with cannabidiol (CBD) products maker Charlotte’s Web, the first of the four major US sports leagues to reach a deal with a CBD company (2).

CBD is a cannabinoid known for its medicinal uses to relieve pain and alleviate stress. Charlotte’s Web Holdings Inc. produces a variety of CBD products such as tinctures, topical sprays, and gummies. The MLB’s press release (3) stated, “The rigorous approval process that brought the two legacy brands together fills a major gap in the sports channel for an NSF Certified for Sport® portfolio of CBD products for players and consumers demanding safe, natural options to support recovery, help keep calm under pressure, and help sleep cycles and focus.”

In June, the US Sport league officially allowed clubs to form sponsorships with CBD companies that are certified for sport by The National Science Foundation (NSF), which is an institution that inaugurates standards for products used by athletes. Numerous celebrities and athletes have endorsed CBD products. For example, Hall of Fame National Football League (NFL) running back, Terrell Davis, partnered with investors in 2018 to produce a CBD-infused sports drink (2).

The newly formed partnership between the MLB and Charlotte’s Web arrives as the CBD maker releases a product called Daily Edge, a tincture that is also the first CBD product to be certified for sports by NSF. The item will feature the MLB logo on its bottle. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to certify CBD products, but that hasn’t stopped the cannabinoid from growing in popularity. As reported in 2021 (2), the US CBD market hit $4.7 billion in total sales. The MLB and Charlotte’s Web three-year deal is worth $30.5 million (1). One of the deal’s components will be to promote Charlotte’s Web products during games, as well as on the MLB’s social media platforms, streaming digital channels, and during post-season games. The leagues fanbase is estimated around 180 million fans, which will bring a different geographic of customers to Charlotte’s Web.

"Wherever you see MLB, you'll see Charlotte's Web," Jacques Tortoroli, CEO of Charlotte's Web, told CBS on their MoneyWatch program (1). "What we're about is making sure there's calmness of the mind so you can perform your best."

Also included in their partnership, the MLB obtained an estimation of 6.1 shares of Charlotte’s Web (1). The CBD company also is required to pay the MLB a 10% royalty on any products sold that have the MLB branding on it after the total sales exceed $18 million. Shortly after the MLB’s announcement, Charlotte Web’s stock rose nearly 25% and traded at 75 cents a share.

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Most Americans support forgiveness for Past Marijuana crimes, oppose Cannabis’ schedule

Most Americans oppose marijuana’s categorization as a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law, and they support efforts to forgive those convicted of cannabis-related offenses, according to nationwide survey data compiled by USA Today/Ipsos Polling.

Nearly three in four Americans — including majorities of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans — support “changing how federal law classifies marijuana.” Since 1970, the US Controlled Substances Act has categorized marijuana in the same classification as heroin — defining it as a substance with a “high potential for abuse, … a lack of accepted safety, … and no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.”

NORML has long called for the removal of cannabis from the CSA (a/k/a descheduling) in a manner similar to alcohol as opposed to moving it to a lower schedule like cocaine (Schedule II) or anabolic steroids (Schedule III). “In order to rectify the state/federal conflict that currently exists over marijuana policy, and in order to best maintain the market controls that a majority of states have enacted to promote public health, prevent the distribution of marijuana to minors, ensure safe business practices, and improve public safety, cannabis must be descheduled — not rescheduled — from the Controlled Substances Act,” NORML acknowledges in a position statement.

Public support for either pardoning or releasing those convicted for low-level marijuana-related crimes at either the state or federal level is more partisan with super-majorities of Democrats and Independents supporting such efforts, but only a minority of Republicans.

On Thursday, President Biden announced forgiveness for an estimated 6,500 people with marijuana-related federal convictions on their record. He also called upon Governors to take similar steps. According to archived data from the FBI, an estimated 29 million Americans have been arrested for violating state or local marijuana laws since the mid-1960s.

NORML’s Deputy Director Paul Armentano praised the President’s actions in a new op-ed, opining, “Biden’s foray into the arena of marijuana reform legitimizes legalization as a subject worthy of consideration — and action — by those at the highest levels of government. Further, it is a recognition — by the president of the United States, no less — that America’s nearly 100-year experiment with cannabis criminalization has been an abject failure.”

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University research into Marijuana urged with safety issues

State Assembly member Crystal Peoples-Stokes told 2 On Your Side, "There's no question we don't know how to determine if somebody is impaired by it or not..."

BUFFALO, New York — As state efforts continue to get licensed marijuana sales up and running here in New York there is also a call again for more research into the usage of pot and its effects on those who use it.  

That could include anyone who uses marijuana and may be impaired while driving.

With the legalization of marijuana and the state's efforts to set up dispensaries to sell it, the Western New York politician who orchestrated the push to get it done says she has a real concern about those who might use it and then operate a motor vehicle. 

State Assemblymember Crystal Peoples-Stokes told 2 On Your Side, "There's no question we don't know how to determine if somebody is impaired by it or not. Which we should know that."   

In fact, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety this past summer said a survey of five states which previously legalized marijuana saw a nearly 6 percent increase in traffic crash injuries. They also recorded just over a four percent rise in fatal crashes after pot sales began. That is in contrast with no increase for six other states where it is still illegal. 

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Cannabis-derived gummy worms found in 5-year-old’s Halloween candy, mom says

ST. LOUIS - A mother in Missouri says she found cannabis-derived gummy worms in her 5-year-old’s Halloween candy after a trunk-or-treat event Saturday.

Tiffany Burroughs took her three young boys to the event held at JJ’s Restaurant, which hosts monthly car shows.

Restaurant co-owner Stephen Bell said the Halloween-themed event held in October, in conjunction with trunk-or-treat, always has a big turnout.

“They loved going, dressing up in their costumes,” Burroughs said.

Burroughs said she noticed an unusual package of gummy worms in a candy bowl but didn’t think much about it until she inspected the children’s candy at home.

The package was labeled as “Delta 8,” which is a cannabinoid found in the Sativa plant.

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Here's how long a Cannabis High actually lasts, according to science

With the decriminalization of cannabis comes a list of questions and concerns over its medical and recreational use – including figuring out how long the drug's effects actually last for.

While society has had decades to question the relationship between alcohol consumption and intoxication, the duration of impairment from inhaling or ingesting weed has been more anecdotal than scientific.

A meta-analysis of 80 papers published last year narrowed down this timeframe. Depending on factors such as how the cannabis is consumed and how strong it is, the user can remain impaired for between three and 10 hours.

This information can help inform advisory information given to patients, help recreational users make better decisions about performing tasks such as driving after consuming cannabis, and help update the laws to better reflect the reality of cannabis impairment.

"THC can be detected in the body weeks after cannabis consumption, while it is clear that impairment lasts for a much shorter period of time," psychopharmacologist Iain McGregor from the University of Sydney (USYD) in Australia explained in 2021.

"Our legal frameworks probably need to catch up with that and, as with alcohol, focus on the interval when users are more of a risk to themselves and others. Prosecution solely on the basis of the presence of THC in blood or saliva is manifestly unjust."

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Camp Cannabis festival appears to have been a Success

By all accounts, it appears the first Camp Cannabis festival, which took place Friday and Saturday at Marquette’s Tourist Park, was a success.

Recreational marijuana was legalized in Michigan with the 2018 election, so it probably was a matter of time before somebody stepped up with a festival to celebrate it.

The event marked the Upper Peninsula’s largest cannabis consumption event, with numerous educational sessions and vendors. For example, the program listed events such as a cannabis flower demonstration, “Ingestibles 101,” “What is Clean, Quality Cannabis?” and “Cannabinoids Explained.”

The Fire Station Cannabis Co. put on the event.

Although the city of Marquette police log had a few items that might have been connected to Camp Cannabis, it basically was a peaceful event, and definitely did not resemble “Reefer Madness” — although the smell of weed was in the air.

In fact, the program had a full-page emergency evacuation plan in case an evacuation was needed, with various exits explained. There also were campground rules with set quiet hours, and alcohol permitted only in beer tents so cannabis consumption could take place throughout the park.

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Cannabis grants help fund Businesses

One-third of applicants receive funding, many also receive additional TIF funding.

Taurance Thomas has sold hospital scrubs to select customers for more than seven years, but his dream is to open a brick-and-mortar retail store in Springfield that focuses on urban clothing.

The 50-year-old Springfield resident hopes to bring that dream to fruition by the end of the year in a leased building at 2701 Old Rochester Road.

The $40,000 that Thomas' business, Urban Vines, was awarded recently through the city's Business Assistance Cannabis Grant Program, along with an additional $40,000 in tax-increment financing funds that most grant recipients qualified for, were key to the project's progress, Thomas said.

"It means everything to bring that dream to life," he said.

Thomas' future store was among 22 grants to minority-owned businesses in the first round of allocations from the city's share of recreational cannabis taxes.

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Tories, if you want growth, growth, growth, legalize Marijuana – and slap a hefty sin tax on it

Suella Braverman is really on a roll, eh? First the home secretary made headlines for grinning like a maniac as she declared that it was her “dream” and “obsession” to watch desperate asylum seekers get deported to Rwanda.

Now she’s back in the news for reportedly saying she wants to reclassify marijuana from a class B to a class A drug. This would increase the maximum sentence for possession to seven years’ imprisonment, while suppliers could get life in prison, which honestly sounds a tad tame coming from a visionary like Braverman. Dream bigger, my friend! Forget prison, which has been overrun by the woke patrol – why not revoke offenders’ citizenship and stick them a plane with the asylum seekers? Really lean into your obsession, why don’t you?

Downing Street, in an unusual show of common sense, appears to be distancing itself from Braverman’s war on drugs. In a statement on Monday, No 10 said there were “no plans” to reclassify marijuana. With this government, though, who knows? While Liz Truss was apparently all for legalising weed in her wild, Liberal Democrat student days, she’s now a lot more conservative on the issue. Indeed, in Truss’s very first week in office, the British government refused to allow Bermuda to pass a law that would legalise the recreational use of marijuana in the island nation. (Bermuda said it would do it anyway, sparking a constitutional crisis and some very bad vibes.) It wouldn’t surprise me if Truss woke up one day and decided it would be a good idea to make possession of cannabis a capital offence. Nor would it surprise me if, a week later, she did a dramatic U-turn and made pre-rolled joints available with Tesco meal deals.

If the Tories really are all about “growth, growth, growth”, as they keep telling us, then you’d think they’d be doing this already, wouldn’t you? Forget all the social justice arguments for pro-cannabis reform – think how much (desperately needed) money the government could be raking in if it legalised marijuana and slapped it with a hefty sin tax. There have been numerous studies that demonstrate the financial benefits of legalisation. From a purely financial perspective, a more progressive stance on cannabis is a no-brainer.

A lot of the globe seems to have recognised this. Uruguay became the first country in the world to legalise recreational marijuana in 2013. Five years later, Canada became the first G20 country to do the same. Germany is trying to follow suit. France is coming closer to ending its national prohibition. Even in the US, which led the war on drugs, attitudes have dramatically shifted. Recreational use of marijuana is now legal in 19 states and a record 68% of Americans supported legalising marijuana in a 2021 Gallup poll. Joe Biden has clearly been looking at those polls: last week, the US president announced that he would be pardoning everyone with a federal conviction for possessing small amounts of cannabis. “Sending people to jail for possessing marijuana has upended too many lives … for conduct that is legal in many states. That’s before you address the clear racial disparities around prosecution and conviction. Today, we begin to right these wrongs,” Biden tweeted.

Biden’s pardons, it should be said, are largely symbolic: nobody is now in federal prison solely for marijuana possession. However, Biden has also urged state governors to pardon people and said his administration would look into whether marijuana should be reclassified. “The federal government currently classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 substance,” he said, “the same as heroin and LSD and more serious than fentanyl. It makes no sense.”

It certainly doesn’t. Even some of the most rabid rightwingers in the US agree with this. The Florida congressman Matt Gaetz, for example – a notorious anti-woke culture warrior – celebrated Biden’s announcement on cannabis and called on the president to go further and “DECRIMINALIZE!” As my American wife will attest, it pains me to admit that the US is better than the UK at anything. But the fact that a troll like Gaetz now sounds more rational than the home secretary of the UK? It’s starting to feel like I’m on a very bad trip.​

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Kamala Harris: ‘nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed’

V.P. Kamala Harris’ comments came days after President Biden’s historic pardons.

Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday urged both Congress and state governments to follow the Biden administration’s lead and decriminalize marijuana.

Harris’ comments, made during an interview on “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” came less than a week after President Joe Biden issued pardons to individuals who have previously been convicted of a cannabis-related offense under federal law.

“Let me just start with saying this. I strongly believe, and the majority of Americans agree, nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed, right?” Harris said, as quoted by Yahoo. “We’re urging governors and states to take our lead and to pardon people who have been criminalized for possession of marijuana. And ultimately though, as with so many issues, if Congress acts, then there is a uniform approach to this and so many other issues. But Congress needs to act.”

On Thursday, Biden announced that he will issue pardons to all individuals with federal convictions of simple marijuana possession, a move that will affect thousands of Americans.

In the announcement, Biden made the same points that his vice president deployed in her late night interview, urging “all Governors to do the same with regard to state offenses.”

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Community youth Marijuana prevention event to be held

A youth marijuana prevention presentation will take place in Reeds Spring on Thursday, Oct. 13.

Laura Stack, the founder and CEO of Johnny’s Ambassadors will be the guest speaker at the free community event, which will take place at the Reeds Spring Middle School from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The event is being presented by several local organizations, including the Stone County Health Department. 

“Laura Stack is a national speaker that shares her experiences with her son Johnny and how he got into the high potency THC,” Prevention Specialist for the Stone County Health Coalition Sharon Perkins said in an email. “Laura has started an organization called Johnny’s Ambassadors in honor of her son.

Laura speaks how the high potency THC is not like it used to be back in the 1970’s. Laura will share how if our youth use the high potency THC it will change their brain chemistry.” 

According to the Johnny’s Ambassadors website, the organization is on a mission to educate teens, parents, and communities about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicide. They focus on youth marijuana awareness, prevention, and education.

Primarily, the organization shares data-driven facts and clear messaging with teens and parents to reduce the likelihood they will use marijuana and stop progression to more problematic use. Their goals are to keep youth from using marijuana and increase their perception of harm in using.

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Police warn of marijuana edibles that can 'easily be mistaken' for Halloween treats

GLOCESTER - Police in Rhode Island have a warning for parents ahead of Halloween.

Officers in Glocester pulled over a car and found more than 200 edible marijuana products. They were packaged like cereal snacks similar to Rice Krispies Treats, Cocoa Pebbles and Trix. 

"These treats can easily be mistaken for the popular name brand snacks that you could purchase in the store," the police department said.

Police say this is a good reminder to always check your kids' Halloween candy.

CBS News reported last year that children are increasingly overdosing on marijuana edibles as more states legalize marijuana and edibles become more common in homes with children. 

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Houston, We Have a Cannabis Problem!

It’s time to respond to our next major drug epidemic.

For years, the opioid crisis has been the leading concern when it comes to substance use. There’s certainly good reason for this emphasis, but as a result, the harms associated with other drugs have successfully been able to avoid the spotlight.

In my view, cannabis use is now the biggest contributor to mental health and substance use problems that, up until quite recently, nobody was talking about. While it may not be the most toxic substance on earth, it is arguably the one where the largest chasm exists between its actual dangers (which are substantial) and its perceived dangers (which to a lot of people are zero).

Similar to the science of global warming, research demonstrating the risks of cannabis has been steadily growing over the years to the point of being overwhelming.

Perhaps the scariest risks have to do with psychosis and psychotic disorders, particularly with the ultra-potent products now dominating the market, but there is also plenty of evidence for other things such as suicide, anxiety, PTSD, harms to a developing fetus, and progression to so-called “harder” drugs such as opiates and methamphetamines.

In contrast to the stereotype of cannabis users as silly and docile, research shows links between its use and violence with cannabis being a significant part of the lives of a disturbing percentage of mass shooting perpetrators.

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CBD Food and Drinks are becoming more popular, but the FDA isn’t Biting

More food manufacturers are cashing in on the public’s interest in cannabidiol, or CBD, and adding this compound to beverages and food products, including meals sold at high-end and fast-food restaurants.

Although several states have passed laws to legalize CBD, products containing this compound are technically illegal at the federal level. This includes CBD dietary supplements, as well as CBD-infused sodas, sparkling water, and cold brew coffee.

In spite of this conflict between federal law and the patchwork of state laws, the U.S. market for cannabis beverages in 2022 was an estimated $752 million, accounting for over 70% of the global market, reports Yahoo Finance.

The growth of this market is driven in part by the legalization of cannabis and CBD in certain states, but also by strong consumer interest in these products.

But don’t expect to see cannabis-infused beverages — or food products — to show up just yet in Walmart, Target and other big box stores, say some experts. These stores may wait for federal clarity on CBD foods and beverages before entering the market.

Murky legal status of CBD

CBD is a chemical compound naturally found in cannabis and hemp plants, which are both versions of the plant species Cannabis sativa.

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Advocates call for more equity in Illinois Recreational Cannabis Industry

CHICAGO - Advocates and state lawmakers are pushing for more fairness in the cannabis industry.

They gathered on Tuesday in the West Loop to call on state leaders and regulators to do more to help business owners to get what's called "social equity cannabis licenses."

"The cannabis industry for social equity was to hire Black and brown people in communities that were hardest hit and we have not realized that yet," said State Rep. LaShawn Ford (D-8th).

The activists said Gov. JB Pritzker and state lawmakers need to do more to cut red tape and lower barriers to entry. They want to see more loans and grants distributed and more leniency for people who need more time to open their businesses so these license holders can compete with big cannabis corporations.

They also want producers to be able to grow more cannabis.

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Public invited to ‘Cannabis Conversations’ about marijuana industry Oct. 3,4

Farmington Hills is hosting two public feedback sessions next week on the commercial cannabis industry, welcoming residents and members of the business community to share opinions and concerns.

“Cannabis Conversations” — outreach and education sessions — will run Oct. 3 from 6 to 8 p.m. and Oct. 4 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the city council chambers at Farmington Hills city hall, 31555 W. 11 Mile Rd.

At the sessions, the public will also hear results from the city’s recent information gathering efforts with commercial cannabis industry representatives on production and retail distribution of marijuana.

Cannabis Conversations are open to all members of the public and will also be livestreamed on YouTube. They will also be recorded and posted on the city’s website main page.

Questions can be submitted prior to or during the meetings via email to psmith@fhgov.com. Public comments will be limited to three minutes each.

For additional information, go to the City of Farmington Hills website at www.fhgov.com and click on the Cannabis Information Outreach icon.

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