Women can and should use cannabis for a variety of everyday ailments, Goldberg writes, but they just don’t know about it.
WeedLife News Network
Kansas took its first step this past week in joining 40 other states in the U.S. that are growing industrial hemp, according to a spokesperson for the Kansas Department of Agriculture.
A new company plans to open a manufacturing facility next June that would make hemp products - building materials, carpet and insulation, disposable straws and utensils, clothing and even CBD oil.
"This is a growing industry and we want to prepare our students from a variety of academic viewpoints."
It's in Kentucky — once called the “Hemp Capital of the World” — where farmers are seeing hemp outperform other long-standing crops like tobacco.
With more and more states legalizing marijuana, whether for medical use, recreational use, or both, increasing numbers of Americans are using cannabis.
Gov. Bruce Rauner on Saturday signed a bill legalizing industrial hemp, adding Illinois to a growing list of states that allow the growth of cannabis for non-drug purposes.
After years of trying to get laws changed, hemp advocates and would-be farmers are on the cusp of gaining new legal standing via the 2018 farm bill.
While 13% of Americans say they "regularly" or "occasionally" use or smoke marijuana, the rate is significantly higher among the 18 to 29 age group and is higher in the West than in other regions of the country.
Knowing the key differences between CBD and THC is super important for finding the right cannabis products and understanding how they’ll affect you.
Under ideal storage conditions, cannabis can actually stay relatively fresh for a surprisingly long time.
Considering most marijuana growers are portrayed as lazy stoners, you probably think it can’t be that hard to grow cannabis.
As Mexico transitions to a federal medical marijuana program, lawmakers' leeway toward cannabidiol (CBD) could help the so-called "miracle" compound become as common and low-drama as vitamins and minerals.
The state has issued its first three licenses to hemp growers in Hawaii as part of its Industrial Hemp Pilot Program.
When it comes to buying cannabis, there are a dozen different things to look for to get the best bud for your buck.
The non-psychoactive cannabis cousin of marijuana would finally become legal to grow in the United States under a bill overwhelmingly approved by the Senate.