Hemp is more than the plant behind CBD: It's also the eco-friendly alternative to some of the biggest pollutants of modern time.
Hemp is more than the plant behind CBD: It's also the eco-friendly alternative to some of the biggest pollutants of modern time.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) said on Tuesday that hemp can be transported across state lines -- even through states that haven’t enacted laws allowing the crop’s production -- and that the descheduling of the plant and its derivatives under the 2018 Farm Bill are already in effect because they are self-executing and do not require further action by federal agencies.
Hemp plastics are also non-toxic, pesticide-free, recyclable and biodegradable within six months, not to mention both lighter and 3.5 times stronger than common polypropylene.
Mile High Labs is dramatically ramping up its CBD business by moving industrial-scale processing to where hemp is harvested.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced on Wednesday that hemp cultivators can officially apply for intellectual property protection for seed-propagated hemp, making the newly legal crop part of an existing program.
Connecticut farmers are one step closer to joining the burgeoning hemp industry after the Senate approved a bill to regulate the crop’s cultivation Thursday.
MjMicro is the next level in cannabis investment. Set to take place on June 25, 2019, at the Westin Grand Central in New York City, this invitational networking forum promises to unite publicly traded cannabis companies led by seasoned executives with a full roster of high-net-worth investors looking to capitalize on the huge growth that’s currently being forecast for both the recreational and medicinal markets. Put simply, MjMicro is designed as a dedicated solution to facilitating private capital investment in cannabis-related public entities at a time when media outlets around the world are referring to the burgeoning sector as “the fastest growing industry on the planet.”
In Colorado, one of the state’s largest worker’s compensation insurance firms has released some unique data regarding the cannabis industry’s most common occupational injury trends.
Iowa farmers would be allowed to grow industrial hemp as a crop under legislation that Monday cleared the state Senate.
More than 2,600 Tennessee farmers and businesses are licensed to grow hemp or CBD this spring — an increase of more than 1,100% in just one year.
The Ohio Senate has passed a bill to legalize hemp and hemp-derived cannabidiol oil, a move that could create an industrial hemp industry in the state.
Here’s what you need to know to protect your investment even as smart leaders work to tame the Wild West hemp marketplace into a new and exciting crop for the family farm.
Alabama has approved applications from 180 farmers who want to grow hemp, and the first crop will be planted by April, said Alabama Department of Agriculture Commissioner Rick Pate.
Fresh from entering the medical marijuana market, Florida now envisions taking a healthy slice of the anticipated $22 billion market in hemp.
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