WeedLife News Network
Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.
Jilian Mincer ~ Reuters ~
Shop owners seek to capitalize not only on the vaping trend, but on the more widespread, and legal, use of medical marijuana.
Terrence Dopp ~ Bloomberg.com
The New Jersey governor says he would enforce federal laws that criminalize marijuana if elected president.
Dan Reilly ~ Fortune.com ~
Using cutting-edge technology, Potbotics wants to change how the medical marijuana industry treats patients.
Christopher S Hopper ~ 11Alive.com ~
Erin Cleveland continues the journey to improving her 2-year-old daughter Lainey's life.
Paris Achen ~ Burlington Free Press ~
The number of Vermont residents using dispensaries has increased six-fold since 2013.
Jesse Paul ~ The Denver Post ~
Levy Thamba, 19, leaped to his death last year after eating marijuana-infused cookies.
Will Yakowicz ~ Inc.com ~
Entrepreneurs are trying to boost sales by steering pot toward the Whole Foods crowd.
Jennifer Bogdan ~ Providence Journal ~
The number of patients enrolled in the state's medical marijuana program has exploded in the past two and half years, more than doubling from 4,849 in 2013 to 11,620 today.
Rebecca Shabad ~ The Hill ~
The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday voted 16-14 on an amendment that would prevent federal funds from being used to prohibit or penalize financial institutions that provide services to marijuana businesses in states where it’s legal.
Jordan Schrader ~ The News Tribune ~
An overhaul of Washington State’s medical-marijuana system adds PTSD and traumatic brain injuries to the conditions a medical provider can cite in authorizing the drug.
Melanie Mason ~ Los Angeles Times ~
A panel chaired by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom hopes to guide the debate on the legalization of marijuana in California with an emphasis on limiting children’s access to cannabis, reducing illegal activity and tightly regulating the drug's growth and sales.
Carla Fields ~ WAAYTV.com ~
Despite a recent change regarding the use of cannabis oil for the sick, one state representative doubts Alabama will ever legalize recreational marijuana.
Wilborn P. Nobles III ~ Washington Post ~
There’s yet another use for marijuana: It may help to heal broken bones, according to a new study.
Bob Shallit ~ Sacramento Bee ~
Will Smith’s Bud Bar Displays sells wares in 23 states and overseas.
Kathy Walsh ~ CBS4 Denver ~
BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4) – A Boulder marijuana company says it has a new breakthrough for medical marijuana patients — a marijuana capsule that looks and acts more like traditional pharmaceuticals.
Tony Leys ~ Des Moines Register ~
A Colorado company that has gained national attention for developing “Charlotte’s Web” hemp oil for epilepsy patients has started mailing it to customers in Iowa.
Electa Draper~ Denver Post ~
Colorado declines to become 10th state to include condition in medical marijuana program.
Rochelle Olson ~ Star Tribune ~
State officials expect enrollment to keep growing; 276 patients are already certified.