WeedLife News Network

Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.
104 businesses seek 40 licenses to process medical marijuana in Ohio - Cannabis News
Forbes on Jim Gilmore Position: Against
What's the Difference Between CBD and THC? Some Doctors Break It Down - Cannabis News
Cannabis News
Marijuana Policy Project on Rick Santorum Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania announced he is running for president on May 27, 2015. Where does he stand? Former Sen. Santorum is opposed to the legalization of marijuana for any purpose, including medical use. He does not believe states have the right to set their own marijuana policies and supports enforcing federal prohibition laws in states that have rejected them.
Pot Culture Goes Pop: 2017's High Points of Art and Entertainment - Cannabis News
Forbes on Rick Santorum Position: Against
Three Politicians Who Came Out of the Marijuana Closet in 2017 - Cannabis News
National Issues
Marijuana Policy Project on Carly Fiorina Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina announced she is running for president on May 4, 2015. Where does she stand? Fiorina does not support the legalization of marijuana for any purpose, including medical use. She recently expressed support for decriminalization.
Wisconsin: Farmers In Barron County Pack Meeting On How To Grow Hemp - Cannabis News
Cannabis News
Forbes on Carly Fiorina Carly Fiorina Position: Against Legalization, Favors States Rights
Scientists call for research on medical pot for pets - Cannabis News
Medical News
Marijuana Policy Project on Rand Paul U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky announced he is running for president on April 7, 2015. Where does he stand? Sen. Paul has consistently supported states’ rights to establish their own marijuana policies, and he has been a vocal supporter of decriminalizing or reducing criminal penalties for those arrested for marijuana possession.
Alcohol Sales Dropped Significantly in States With Medical Marijuana, Says Market Study - Cannabis News
Medical News
Forbes on Rand Paul Position: For Legalization.
Colorado: 4 seed varieties approved for hemp crop - Cannabis News
Cannabis News
Marijuana Policy Project on Ted Cruz U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas announced he is running for president on March 23, 2015. Where does he stand? At the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference, Sen. Cruz said he is opposed to the legalization of marijuana for adult use, but he believes states should have the right to establish their own marijuana policies.
The top 10 cannabis lifestyle trends of 2017 - Cannabis News
Forbes on Ted Cruz Position: Favors States Rights
The Top Medical Cannabis Studies of 2017 - Cannabis News
Medical News
Marijuana Policy Project on Marco Rubio U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida announced he is running for president on April 13, 2015. Where does he stand? Sen. Rubio has expressed some support for allowing the use of non-psychoactive forms of medical marijuana, but he is staunchly opposed to the legalization of marijuana for adult use.
World’s largest Hemp extraction plant to be brought to Kentucky, producing positive and profound influence on health care industry - Cannabis News
Cannabis News
Forbes on Marco Rubio Position: Against
The Holiday Gift Guide For The Cannabis Newbie - Cannabis News
Business & Finance
Marijuana Policy Project on Donald Trump Businessman and television personality Donald Trump announced he is running for president on June 16, 2015. Where does he stand? In 1990, Trump said he favored legalizing all drugs, but more recently he has said he opposes legalizing and regulating marijuana for adult use. He supports legal access to medical marijuana, and he has indicated support for letting states set their own marijuana policies.
Study: Cannabis Component May Treat Psychosis - Cannabis News
Medical News
Forbes on Donald Trump Position: Cloudy
Hemp Continues Return, Acreage Doubles in 2017 - Cannabis News
Cannabis News
Marijuana Policy Project on Ben Carson: Dr. Ben Carson announced he is running for president on May 3, 2015. Where does he stand? Dr. Carson has expressed some support for allowing the use of medical marijuana, but he has been highly critical of legalizing and regulating marijuana for adult use, citing the thoroughly debunked “gateway drug” theory.
Mexico to legalize marijuana-based product sales next year
World News
Forbes on Ben Carson Position: For Medical, Against Recreational
Philly hospitals, medical schools jockey for marijuana partners - Cannabis News
Business & Finance
Marijuana Policy Project on Hillary Clinton Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced she is running for president on April 12, 2015. Where does she stand? Clinton has expressed support for legal access to medical marijuana and more research into the medical benefits of marijuana.
