WeedLife News Network
Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.
IRVINE, Calif. — The NFL has written to the NFL Players Association offering to work in tandem to study the potential use of marijuana as a pain management tool for players, according to people familiar with the situation.
Troy Smith brought a Heisman Trophy to Ohio, and a little over a decade later, he is hoping to bring the state medical marijuana, too.
Smoking anything before hitting the gym might seem like a bad choice, but a new California gym is betting on marijuana as a performance enhancer for its members.
While the idea of adding cannabis to your workout routine still seems somewhat counter-intuitive, it's gradually gaining acceptance.
Cannabis consumers are as varied as they come, and as such there are plenty of people who both toke and enjoy taking care of their health.
Retired NFL players use opioids at four times the rate of the general population, according to one study, and marijuana advocates say there’s a safer, healthier alternative available.
While the NFL draft dominated the Ben Franklin Parkway on Friday, several former players met at the Union League to discuss medical marijuana with cannabis entrepreneurs, scientists, and advocates.
Some people stretch before they workout. Others smoke a joint.
In Major League Baseball, the family-friendly American sport, no one smokes weed. Allegedly. Wink. Nudge.
Professional and retired mainstream athletes are already using forms of cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) for acute and long-term pain management.
If the Cowboys owner gets his way, we could see fewer player suspensions.
Franco Harris is joining to movement for medical marijuana. While the Steelers legend is in good physical and mental health after a lengthy football career, he openly approves marijuana use for the days he doesn't feel so great and has become a strong advocate for current players to use the plant for medicine.
The idea that Ross Rebagliati’s gold medal -- the first Olympic medal to be awarded in the history of snowboarding -- should end up on display at a cannabis dispensary owned by Rebagliati himself, is astonishing, ironic, and entirely fitting.
Sure, you've got a great fitness routine that's doing wonders for you. But have you ever tried working out while high?
‘Individuals being criminalized for possession is not something I think most New Zealanders support’
What’s happening in the NFL is an example of what your weed-loving friends have always told you.
As society continues to wrestle with the acceptability, or not, of marijuana, the NFL and NFL Players Association try to strike a proper balance regarding the permissibility of the substance.