WeedLife News Network
The cannabis industry is clearly growing when it comes to lifestyle. Lotions, snacks and even health products now exist with a cannabis twist.
After a backroom meeting between political party leaders, a slim majority of Dutch Parliament has aligned behind a proposal to regulate the flow of cannabis that feeds the country’s coffeeshops. If enacted, the new system would bring the Netherlands closer to the legal, adult-use markets emerging across North America.
Medical marijuana is about to become a part of the public health care system in the southern Argentinean province of Chubut – making it the first jurisdiction in South America to allow cannabis into the healthcare system.
It’s a pleasant summer evening in Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter. The plazas are bustling, and it seems every bit of storefront is a bar or a restaurant. But one inconspicuous door opens to a different kind of place.
While highly regulated, the amount of medicinal cannabis sold by German pharmacies has almost doubled in just one year.
Farmers in northern Cauca province, the centre of the country’s marijuana cultivation, have formed a co-op to capitalise on legalisation of the pot trade.
Cannabis should be made legal for medicinal purposes, say a cross-party group of U.K. MPs.
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