WeedLife News Network

Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.

As more licenses to grow cannabis are added, illegal growing has also risen in California

A new installation from artist Ron English and High Times magazine examines cannabis culture through a new pop-up in Manhattan’s Lower East Side.

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CBG Study Shows Antimicrobial Properties of Cannabis

There are many ways to smoke cannabis, but none are perhaps as well-known as smoking a bowl.

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Amsterdam Will Ban Tourists From Entering Cannabis Cafes

The future is now! Virtual reality technology is here and quickly improving.

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Efforts to decriminalize marijuana in San Marcos underway

To put it blunt-ly (see what we did there?), the second annual Southwest Cannabis Conference + Expo at the Phoenix Convention Center this past weekend was a hit.

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Montana brings in $12.8M in first month of recreational marijuana sales

To put it blunt-ly (see what we did there?), the second annual Southwest Cannabis Conference + Expo at the Phoenix Convention Center this past weekend was a hit.

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Experiential Marketing in Cannabis: what is it?

Ever thought about getting high before yoga? 

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Medical Cannabis Associated With Reduced Tobacco Consumption

Similar to tobacco, cannabis has always held its own mythology.

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I-Team: NYC Area Pediatricians See Sharp Rise in Kids Ingesting Marijuana Edibles

Some growers hope to market to consumers across California through a legally defined and protected geographical identification system similar to what’s used in the wine industry.

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German Cannabis Flower Market is Ready to Explode

We in the American marijuana community lit up with sly smiles when Michael Phelps was selected to carry our United States flag at the opening ceremonies of the Rio Olympics.

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Tilray Executives Continue To Unload Shares Despite A Falling Share Price

Image: Oregon Dept. of Transportation via Wikimedia Commons

Earlier this month a group of women in Oregon's marijuana industry came up with a plan to donate baskets complete with turkeys and the fixings for a Thanksgiving Day meal for 20 needy families in Eugene.

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N.J. ‘Big Weed’ cannabis capers may limit minorities, locals

Image: Oregon Dept. of Transportation via Wikimedia Commons

Earlier this month a group of women in Oregon's marijuana industry came up with a plan to donate baskets complete with turkeys and the fixings for a Thanksgiving Day meal for 20 needy families in Eugene.

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Texas state crime labs won’t test suspected marijuana in low-level cases - Cannabis News

Image via SFGate.com

Oscar Pascual ~ SFgate.com ~

An emerging group of modern chefs are creating bold new dishes infused with marijuana, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make it yourself.
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