By 420 Intel on Tuesday, 25 January 2022
Category: Medical News

Does cannabis cause psychosis? A new study sheds some light

Responsible parties should inform consumers, especially teens, about the harms of cannabis and the serious conditions that may arise from abusing the substance.

One of marijuana’s most concerning connections is the one it has with psychosis. While not wholly understood, this link has been reported to be significant, with several studies indicating that people who smoke large amounts of weed on a daily basis are five times more likely to develop psychosis than others. This depends on the age at which marijuana is first consumed and the individual’s genetic vulnerabilities.

Now, a new study provides some much-needed information and context on the topic.
Published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, the study looked into the connection between schizophrenia and cannabis and tried to provide answers to a question that has long been unanswered: Does cannabis use cause schizophrenia, or are people who suffer from schizophrenia more likely to seek out the drug?
The study looked into young subjects, all within the ages of 13 to 16, who filled out annual self-reports of past-year cannabis use and psychotic symptoms.
The findings spotted clear links between frequent cannabis use and more psychotic symptoms. Subjects who reported cannabis use in the previous year were more likely to experience psychotic symptoms a year afterward.
Still, the finding is not necessary foolproof evidence of causation. Many more studies need to be conducted to have a better understanding of the issue, and to know how to address it properly, especially in the case of children and teens, who are at higher risk for harm when exposing their young brains to cannabis.
While studies like this can be scary for cannabis proponents, they are necessary for having a thorough understanding of the plant.
As cannabis gets legalized across U.S. states, responsible parties should inform consumers, especially teens, about the harms of cannabis and the serious conditions that may arise from abusing the substance.
Most people can use cannabis safely. Still, that doesn’t mean everyone should turn a blind eye to those who are exposed to greater risks.

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Authored By: 
the Growth Op
Article category: 
Medical Cannabis News
Regional Marijuana News: 
North America
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