WeedLife News Network

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Is Daytime Cannabis Helpful After a Bad Night of Sleep?

Is Daytime Cannabis Helpful After a Bad Night of Sleep?

Cannabis NewsNovember 18, 2024

Daytime cannabis increases your chance of getting a good night’s sleep. Almost everyone has experienced a bad night of sleep. Ten percent of us suffer from chronic insomnia. Treating insomnia is a multi-billion-dollar industry of over-the-counter and prescription sleep aids. These products, without

Medical Cannabis News

Cannabis Has Drug-Drug Interaction Risks With Certain Chemotherapies

Cannabis Has Drug-Drug Interaction Risks With Certain Chemotherapies

Cannabis NewsNovember 12, 2024

Cannabis use may impact the efficacy or side effect profile of patients undergoing active cancer treatment, according to research presented at the Society for Integrative Oncology 2024 Conference. “Medical cannabis use is becoming more prevalent, and there is a risk for potential drug-drug

Medical Cannabis News

Cannabis can help some people – but not everyone – sleep

Cannabis can help some people – but not everyone – sleep

Cannabis NewsNovember 11, 2024

Study explains THC can help young adults with depression or anxiety but otherwise could worsen sleep problems Many insomniacs swear by cannabis as a way to help them sleep – while many scientific studies have found that THC actually exacerbates sleep problems. A new study published last week in

Medical Cannabis News

Illegal Cannabis Poses Risks to Consumers and the Public

Illegal Cannabis Poses Risks to Consumers and the Public

Cannabis NewsNovember 5, 2024

In 2023, District resident Steph Sherer ate an edible to help with pain as she recovered from surgery. A few hours later, she woke up unable to move her limbs. She had lost all muscle control. Her heart was racing and she was covered in hives. “I was literally deciding if I should call loved ones or

Medical Cannabis News

Medical cannabis trial concludes with closing arguments

Medical cannabis trial concludes with closing arguments

Cannabis NewsNovember 5, 2024

Closing arguments were heard Monday in a civil lawsuit that will determine the legality of two ballot initiatives to legalize medical marijuana. Steven E. Guenzel, the attorney representing plaintiff John Kuehn, argued that because some of the petition pages notarized or circulated by specific

Medical Cannabis News

A pizzeria mistakenly sold pizza laced with THC. Here’s how it happened.

A pizzeria mistakenly sold pizza laced with THC. Here’s how it happened.

Cannabis NewsOctober 31, 2024

A pizza shop in Wisconsin shocked patrons when it apologized for inadvertently selling pizzas containing THC, the primary psychoactive component in cannabis. They figured it out when customers reported feeling odd after eating slices of their pie. “This is incredibly serious to us and we can’t

Medical Cannabis News

Stakes Are High For Nebraska's Medical Marijuana Families: Why They're Pushing For Cannabis Legalization

Stakes Are High For Nebraska's Medical Marijuana Families: Why They're Pushing For Cannabis Legalization

Cannabis NewsOctober 29, 2024

Nebraska's push for medical cannabis has been fueled by passionate advocates, including Shelley and Dominic Gillen, who have spent years fighting for treatment options for their son Will who is battling severe daily seizures. A Nebraska Examiner article By Zach Wendling delves into the humanitarian

Medical Cannabis News

The molecular anti-metastatic potential of CBD and THC from Lebanese Cannabis via apoptosis induction and alterations in autophagy

The molecular anti-metastatic potential of CBD and THC from Lebanese Cannabis via apoptosis induction and alterations in autophagy

Cannabis NewsOctober 28, 2024

The medicinal plant Cannabis sativa L. (C. sativa) is currently being extensively studied to determine the full extent of its therapeutic pharmacological potential. Δ9-tetrahydocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the most thoroughly investigated compounds. We aimed to explore the anticancer

Medical Cannabis News

JOMS study: Recreational marijuana use may increase sedation requirements during oral and maxillofacial surgery

JOMS study: Recreational marijuana use may increase sedation requirements during oral and maxillofacial surgery

Cannabis NewsOctober 28, 2024

Research published in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (JOMS) reveals recreational marijuana users undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery – such as tooth extractions or biopsies in an ambulatory surgical center – may require higher doses of anesthetic drugs during intravenous (IV)

Medical Cannabis News

NY Medics Report Epidemic Of Severe Reaction To Cannabis Called ‘Scromiting’

NY Medics Report Epidemic Of Severe Reaction To Cannabis Called ‘Scromiting’

Cannabis NewsOctober 25, 2024

A growing epidemic is reportedly sending New Yorkers to the hospital due to severe reactions to cannabis. Inside the reported epidemic hitting New York emergency rooms called "scromiting." The sickness, dubbed “Scromiting,” named for the combination of ‘screaming and vomiting’ experienced by

Medical Cannabis News

Data shows yearly increase in accidental marijuana exposures in Ohio children under 12

Data shows yearly increase in accidental marijuana exposures in Ohio children under 12

Cannabis NewsOctober 23, 2024

So far in 2024, accidental marijuana exposures in children 5-years-old and under are more than five times what they were five years ago. COLUMBUS, Ohio — Data from the Central Ohio Poison Center shows the number of accidental marijuana exposures in Ohio has steadily increased in children 12-years

Medical Cannabis News

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Near Preschools In Arizona? Court of Appeals Says Yes

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Near Preschools In Arizona? Court of Appeals Says Yes

Cannabis NewsOctober 22, 2024

The Arizona Court of Appeals decided recently that medical marijuana dispensaries can operate close to preschools. This decision stems from a legal challenge against the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) regarding the state's medical marijuana law, specifically the 500-foot buffer zone

Medical Cannabis News

As Cannabis Use Grows Among Cancer Patients, Federal Agency Highlights Need For Rescheduling

As Cannabis Use Grows Among Cancer Patients, Federal Agency Highlights Need For Rescheduling

Cannabis NewsOctober 18, 2024

Cancer patients using cannabis for symptom relief are increasing, but research on its safety is limited due to federal restrictions. As cannabis legalization continues to expand across the U.S., its use among cancer patients has also increased significantly, particularly for managing symptoms like

Medical Cannabis News

Topical Cannabis Cream Mitigates Pruritus In Thai Clinical Trial

Topical Cannabis Cream Mitigates Pruritus In Thai Clinical Trial

Cannabis NewsOctober 16, 2024

Pruritus is a medical term for ‘itching.’ While pruritus can develop for a multitude of reasons, it is fairly common among patients with chronic kidney disease. According to a June 2024 study, the worldwide prevalence of pruritus is 39.8%. The number of people suffering from chronic kidney disease

Medical Cannabis News

Cannabis-Based Dronabinol Could Transform Alzheimer's Care, New Study Finds

Cannabis-Based Dronabinol Could Transform Alzheimer's Care, New Study Finds

Cannabis NewsOctober 7, 2024

A study reveals that dronabinol, a synthetic THC, decreases agitation in Alzheimer’s patients by 30%, according to recent findings. A recent study has found that dronabinol, a synthetic version of THC (the primary psychoactive component in cannabis), effectively reduces agitation in Alzheimer's

Medical Cannabis News

Chronic Pain Patients Support Cannabis Access Expansion While Physicians Favor Restrictions, Study Finds

Chronic Pain Patients Support Cannabis Access Expansion While Physicians Favor Restrictions, Study Finds Image Cannabis NewsOctober 4, 2024 People suffering from chronic pain are more supportive of policies that expand cannabis access as compared to physicians. Those suffering from chronic pain are more in favor of policies that expand cannabis access compared to the physicians who provide their care, according to a study recently Medical Cannabis News by Jelena Martinovic

US (OK): MMJ business owners consider legal action amid inspection backlog

US (OK): MMJ business owners consider legal action amid inspection backlog Image Cannabis NewsOctober 3, 2024 Some Oklahomans in the medical cannabis industry say they are considering taking legal action amid the backlog of commercial license inspections. They say people have lost everything because of this, and it's even making things tough for those dealing with serious health conditions. "I have breast Medical Cannabis News by MMJ Daily

Michigan Bill Could Legalize Psychedelic Mushrooms For PTSD Treatment

Michigan Bill Could Legalize Psychedelic Mushrooms For PTSD Treatment Image Cannabis NewsOctober 1, 2024 A new Michigan bill seeks to legalize psychedelic mushrooms for PTSD treatment, allowing adults to possess up to two ounces. Michigan could soon become the latest state to allow the legal use of psychedelic mushrooms for individuals with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As Marijuana Moment Medical Cannabis News by Juan Spinelli

Kentucky awards the first business license for its startup medical cannabis program

Kentucky awards the first business license for its startup medical cannabis program Image Cannabis NewsSeptember 30, 2024 Kentucky awarded the first business license for its startup medical cannabis program on Thursday, selecting a laboratory that will be assigned to test the products before being offered to patients. Gov. Andy Beshear called it another step toward ensuring that Kentuckians suffering from a list of Medical Cannabis News by APNEWS

The importance of genetic stabilization in medical cannabis

The importance of genetic stabilization in medical cannabis Image Cannabis NewsSeptember 27, 2024 In the medical cannabis industry, genetic stabilization is essential for producing consistent and reliable products. Medical cannabis patients depend on specific cannabinoid and terpene profiles for their treatments, making it critical that each harvest yields plants with predictable and uniform Medical Cannabis News by Haffner International
