By Editor in Chief on Monday, 30 October 2017
Category: Sports

Can cannabis help you get in shape? - Cannabis News

Some are tapping into marijuana’s psychoactive effects to quiet the brain during intense yoga sessions and other mind-oriented sports, such as running or swimming. Others use cannabis products that don’t make them high but, instead, create effects that users insist help them train harder and longer, with less pain and faster recovery times.

Before Tyler Hurst sets out for his morning run, he slips on a pair of those shoes that fit each toe like a glove.

Then he takes a few hits off a vape pen packed with Agent Orange, a particularly uplifting strain of cannabis.

“The chemicals that are released in our brains when we run are the same ones that are released when we get high,” said Hurst, 28, a freelance writer and recreational runner who lives in Phoenix. “I just run a lot better once I have my runner’s high.”

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Brooke Staggs ~

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