A desperate Perth mum is being forced to fly to the US to get treatment for her sick daughter, even though medicinal cannabis is legal in Western Australia.
© 420 Intel
A desperate Perth mum is being forced to fly to the US to get treatment for her sick daughter, even though medicinal cannabis is legal in Western Australia.
© 420 Intel
From the United States to Australia, from Germany to Colombia, the Canadian cannabis sector continues to capitalize on an emerging global industry.
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Cannabinoid biotechnology company MediPen Ltd. is launching its own dedicated 1,800ft sq marijuana research facility this summer, which will also provide a platform for anyone looking to utilise its facilities for the purposes of driving innovation around the use of medicinal cannabis.
Toronto’s Board of Health has unanimously endorses Medical Officer of Health’s recommendations on the looming legalization of pot.
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For 21 years, The Madrid Global Marihuana March has been filling the streets of the city with pleasant smoke and more tangible and urgent demands.
The provincial government is seeking public input on new marijuana legislation set to come into effect in little over a year.
Fingerprint scanners, motion sensor laser alarms, security teams and top secret locations sound like the stuff of spy movies, not Australian farms.
Since co-founding the Green Organic Dutchman, a medical cannabis producer based in Ancaster, Ont., Jeannette VanderMarel says she has often found herself the only woman in a room full of men.
Uruguay‘s envoy to Ottawa says his small South American country has opened up some breathing room for marijuana legalization within international treaties that have outlawed recreational pot for decades.
The French government is about to make some drastic changes to the enforcement of cannabis use laws. A government spokesperson revealed that by the end of 2017, France will end all prison terms for cannabis users.
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The recreational, medicinal and industrial use of cannabis has become much more socially acceptable over the last decade, and has seen a rapid increase in support from the public, politicians and celebrity icons.
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© 420 Intel
While just a few years ago, it was still taboo to talk about legalising cannabis in Morocco and Tunisia, nowadays, everyone is talking about.
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Chileans are increasingly growing their own cannabis for medical purposes as the conservative South American nation begins loosening legal prohibitions on the formerly illegal plant.
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Students of Australia's first medicinal cannabis course will learn everything there is to know about the plant, short of ingesting the thing.
© 420 Intel
Manifesto pledge figures based on Treasury report and evidence of recent legalisation in Colorado, Washington state and Uruguay
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The decision to include Port Macquarie Base Hospital in a trial of medicinal cannabis has met with a strongly favourable response.
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Israel's Health Ministry recently released new directives easing restrictions on the possession and use of medical marijuana by authorized users.
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