WeedLife News Network

Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.

Researchers: Cannabinoids May Impact Prescription Drug Effects

Penn State College of Medicine researchers have found products containing cannabinoids may have impacts on the effects of some conventional prescription drugs.

The researchers have put together a list of 57 medications that may not function as intended when used with cannabis products including medical cannabinoids, CBD oil and medical or recreational marijuana. This could involve prescription drugs not being as effective, or their effects boosted. All the prescription drugs listed have a narrow therapeutic index – meaning the doses are usually prescribed at levels high enough to be effective, but not at a level that could cause harm.

There are some widely used medications on the list including warfarin, which is an anti-coagulant that prevents blood clots from forming.  Warfarin is commonly used to prevent stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease or artificial heart valves. Other classes of drugs include, but are not limited to, antibiotics, anti-convulsants and pain medications.

The researchers, Professor Kent Vrana and pharmacist Paul Kocis, have also published a list of 139 medications that could have a potential drug-drug interaction with a cannabinoid.

This is important research that demonstrates why it’s important for doctors to brush up on cannabis and for patients to be honest with their doctors about their cannabis use, whether its medicinal or recreational.

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Arizona Court Rules Marijuana Initiative Can Be on November Ballots

Late Friday, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge James Smith ruled that the Smart and Safe Act ballot initiative to legalize recreational marijuana for adults 21 and older in Arizona did not mislead voters about key provisions in its 100-word summary, as a frivolous lawsuit by a local anti-marijuana group claimed.

Overcoming the lawsuit and getting the initiative’s signatures certified by the Arizona Secretary of State are the last hurdles for the initiative to get onto the ballots this November, Arizona Capitol Times reported. In early July, the initiative submitted 420,000 signatures to the Secretary of State, which was about 180,000 more than the state required.

“At 100 words, the summary also cannot include everything,” Smith wrote. “That is why the full initiative must accompany the petition.” He continued, “This initiative is plain: It wants to legalize recreational marijuana. That is the principal provision. It is unlikely electors signing these petitions would be surprised by cascading effects of legalizing a formerly illegal substance.”

The lawsuit also claimed that marijuana legalization would lead to minors being exposed to marijuana-related advertising.

In his response, Smith said, “Voters will not be surprised that sellers (dispensaries) may advertise a now-legal product if the initiative passes.” He said it’d be no different than other adult products that are already advertised, from medical marijuana products to “condom commercials to ubiquitous beer advertisements.”

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Thailand Bets on Private Medical Marijuana to Lift Economy

Thailand’s ailing economy, particularly its tourism and agriculture sectors, is poised to get a boost from new rules that ease the private cultivation and sale of medical marijuana.

The Cabinet amended the Narcotics Act on Aug. 4, pending Parliament’s approval, to allow private medical operators -- a category including some traditional medicine practitioners and farmers -- to grow and trade the crop including for both export and import. The move expands a cornerstone policy of Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, who bet that the controlled legalization of marijuana would boost the wellness, travel and agriculture sectors.


Anutin Charnvirakul

Photographer: Nicolas Axelrod/Bloomberg

The latest plan will lift limits imposed when the country in 2018 became the first in Southeast Asia to legalize medicinal use of the herb. It also follows the opening in January of a medical-marijuana clinic in the Health Ministry facilities that offer free medicine to its patients. This does not include the 147 authorized clinics in the country that are currently able to prescribe it.

Thai Shopping Malls Prepare to Reopen With Robots, Drones & Masks


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Cannabis Legalization Is Not A Priority for Congress, Biden, or Trump. Here's Why.

The industry doesn't have the political clout or voter passion behind them to push weed over the finish line, but you can help.

Despite evidence that two-thirds of Americans support legalizing cannabis, federal moves towards legalization have been small and halting. Even simple measures, such as regulating banking in states where cannabis is legal, have a tough time getting support in Washington. Think about that.  How many issues in today’s polarized society have a two-thirds consensus? You’d think politicians could unite to present a rare bipartisan win and get on with it. You’d also think that presidential candidates scrambling for votes in a close election would want to tap into that 66 percent.

But unfortunately, you'd think wrong. What is going on?

Powerful opponents, little passion 

It’s true that some of the most influential people in politics oppose cannabis legalization. Mike Crapo, the chair of the Senate Banking Committee, comes to mind. Joe Biden has some personal opposition to legalization, as he was complicit in the War On Drugs back in the day. Recently, Biden successfully avoided supporting full legalization of marijuana in his unity message with former rival Bernie Sanders and in the Democratic Party platform. President Trump has been hot and cold on the subject, honoring an agreement with Colorado Senator Cory Gardner to hold back federal raids on state-legal cannabis operations but also appointing two consecutive anti-legalization Attorneys General. The second one, Bill Barr, has abused the antitrust laws to frustrate the industry.

But despite this opposition, individual actors, no matter how powerful, could not stop a large bi-partisan move towards legalization. The reason legalization is not moving forward is that its support is wide but not deep. A solid majority of Americans want legal cannabis, but it’s not a particularly important issue. 

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Cannabis Is Poised to Rescue the Economy From Collapse

But first, we need to do these 5 things.

Billions of dollars are sitting at the doorstep of Capitol Hill, begging to participate in the economy. But with some wise moves by the Federal government and regulatory agencies, cannabis-generated revenue could be a significant answer to our financial crisis stemming from the pandemic. 

For proof, look at the numbers. In 2019, the cannabis industry generated $629.3 million in tax revenue. Thirty-three thousand jobs were added in the United States, bringing the total to 250,000 jobs. The federal legalization of marijuana would create more jobs, provide potential breakthrough medical advancements, and possibly help reverse social injustice.


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WA Medical Cannabis Partnership Announced

Some doctors in Western Australian and their patients should have easier and faster access to medical cannabis resulting from a deal signed between Jupiter Health Clinics and Montu.

Founded in 2011, Jupiter Health and Medical Services is a network of more than 300 doctors in 30 medical practices across the state, and is one of the largest networks of GPs in Western Australia.

Montu works with doctors in Australia to support them in developing pathways to medical cannabis access for their patients. It also has a brand of medical cannabis products called “Circle” that are produced as part of a white label agreement with Canadian licensed producer, Aleafia Health Inc.

Montu will be working with Jupiter’s GP’s to educate and provide guidance on how medical cannabis can be prescribed to treat more than 30 conditions.

“Despite significant patient growth in Australia, medical cannabis is still seen as a niche treatment option and this partnership is a significant step to integrate cannabis into medical practice more broadly.” said Montu Managing Director Christopher Strauch.

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Study unveils potential of CBD as treatment for marijuana addiction

CBD could prove to be an effective treatment for people suffering from marijuana use disorder, the results of a new study published this week have shown. 

Inspired by a “substantial and unmet clinical need” for the treatment of cannabis use disorders, researchers from the University of Bath in the UK conducted a double-blind randomized controlled trial that uncovered the potential of cannabidiol in helping people addicted to weed quit the habit. 

Eighty-two people identified as being addicted to marijuana participated in the study. During the first study, participants were given either a placebo or prescription-grade CBD twice a day for a period of four weeks. Those given CBD received a daily dose of either 200 mg, 400 mg or 800 mg. 

Although those given 200 mg of the non-psychoactive compound found in marijuana saw no improvement in their condition, study participants on the higher doses of CBD significantly cut back on their marijuana use. Moreover, no adverse effects were reported among participants. 

“There are currently no safe and effective treatments available for prescription to help people with cannabis use problems. This is a large and unmet clinical need and could help people to quit in an acceptable treatment format,” Tom Freeman, who co-authored the study published in the journal Lancet Psychiatry, told Inverse. 

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Cronos Group Stock Falls As Losses Rise

Cronos Group Inc. (NASDAQ: CRON) (TSX: CRON) stock fell over 13% to lately trade at $6.03 after the company reported a net loss for the second quarter of $107 million versus last year’s earnings of $185 million for the same time period. The loss of $0.31 cents per share was worse than the FactSet estimate for a loss of $0.07 per share.


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You Just Bought CBD Lotion — Now What?


CBD skincare products are so hot right now! But there are a few things you should know before slathering it on. Cannabidiol (CBD) products are everywhere, from convenience stores to high-end retail shops. While there are a lot of CBD converts out there, there’s a large percentage of people who use CBD topicals without knowing what the compound is and what effects it produces.

The CBD found in lotions and creams has much of the same effect as it does when consumed orally. The compound treats pain and inflammation, making it a great addition to lotions and products that target chronic pain, muscle soreness or just general skincare. One of the biggest draws for people is that CBD topicals are a very low stakes way of getting to know a trendy compound without having to ingest it.

While you won’t get any of the stress and anxiety relieving properties of topicals, some scientific and anecdotal evidence suggests CBD can treat inflamed skin and muscles, lending itself for pain management, relaxation and the treatment of skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

Before you start using these products, you should keep a few things in mind. Since CBD is a relatively new compound (at least when it comes to its inclusion in so many of these new brands), you should always read the ingredient list and check that the product contains CBD and not hemp oil. Since the industry is so new, many brands are taking advantage of the misinformation that surrounds the compound. You should also read the ingredients list in order to make sure that there are no harmful agents present or compounds that you might be allergic to.

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What To Expect When Smoking A CBD Dominant Strain


CBD strains aren’t as popular as those containing THC, but there’s plenty of perks associated with them. CBD is the second most common cannabinoid, and it’s everywhere, from tinctures and oils to clothes and pillows. Still, when it comes to smoking and vaping, the majority of people are looking for THC strains, even when they’re after therapeutic effects like pain and anxiety relief.

Even if CBD isn’t known for its psychoactive effects, its presence in cannabis strains has been associated with pleasant and mellow highs, some of which are perfect for beginners or for people who don’t want to worry about having a cannabis infused panic attack. Thanks to it’s less intoxicating properties, CBD dominant strains are great for people who are looking for medicinal benefits of the plant or are planning on consuming it during the middle of the day, before doing an activity that requires some concentration.

CBD strains are not as popular as THC strains, which is why it may be more difficult to find them in your favorite dispensary. But, as more and more people continue to get involved with CBD, the more common these strains will become.

The effects of CBD strains are similar to the effects produced by consuming CBD oils and products, only acting faster due to the way in which the compound is ingested. These strains tend to provide relief from pain, inflammation, anxiety and even seizures. When vaped or smoked, these strains produce positive highs, leaving consumers with a clear head. Unlike THC dominant strains, CBD strains are not associated with side effects, such as anxiety, dizziness, increased heart rate and nervousness.

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To Be Blunt: Communication key when couples differ on cannabis

Warm greetings, readers! I’m Chelsea Cebara, a cannabis and relationship expert, and I’ve been invited to guide readers though some of the issues unique to the intersection of loving weed and being human. I’ve been a sex educator and relationship coach, and I made my name in the cannabis industry by developing the world’s first water-based THC lube, Velvet Swing.

The stigma around cannabis is relaxing more each day, and it’s high time we talked openly about the challenges, passion and joy this plant can bring to our lives and relationships.

Here’s a question I received recently:

My husband and I have a tension point around my cannabis use. I use MJ for physical pain/mental health, but my husband generally thinks all drugs are bad – even though he knows marijuana provides me relief. He usually doesn’t say anything, but I can feel his disapproval when I consume. What can I do to convince him that medical marijuana is safe and effective?

Before we start solving this problem, let me share some background, and ultimately useless, information.

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Man sentenced to over a year in prison for growing more than 40 cannabis plants at home

Gary Widdowson, 34, had the cops visit on an unrelated matter. But then they found cannabis in the house.

Authorities were at Gary Widdowson’s house on an unrelated matter but what they stumbled upon landed the 34-year-old a prison sentence.

Police found more than 40 plants growing in his home, in addition to scales and dried cannabis. Widdowson, a resident of Vicars Walk, U.K., was sentenced at Nottingham Crown Court on Wednesday where he pleaded guilty to “two counts of possession with intent to supply at a previous hearing,” Worksop Guardian reports.

Although he received a 16-month prison sentence it was delayed for two years, which happens, U.K.-based legal resource, In Brief, points out if the court decides to allow an individual probation period, undertake medical treatment, or meet conditions in the community.

Medical cannabis has been legal in the U.K. since 2018, but it is illegal for recreational use.

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San Diego County Declines To End Cannabis Ban

San Diego County cannabis activists have set their sights on the upcoming election as their next chance to affect change.

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors declined to take action on a proposal that would end a ban on cannabis businesses in unincorporated areas of the county and establish the framework for a social equity program in a regulated marijuana industry. The motion to approve the proposal from Supervisor Nathan Fletcher died a quick death at a meeting on Wednesday when it failed to receive a second from any of his colleagues on the board.

Fletcher’s proposal would have ended a ban on commercial cannabis activity enacted by the board in 2017. Under that ban, no recreational cannabis businesses are permitted to operate in the unincorporated areas of California’s southwestern-most county. Additionally, five medical marijuana dispensaries currently operating would be forced to close by 2022.

After the meeting, Fletcher issued a statement expressing his disappointment in his fellow board members, calling out one vocal cannabis opponent by name and noting that the proposal enjoyed support from many civic leaders in the county.

“Our proposal would have allowed for the development of a cannabis industry that is safe, regulated, and legal. Instead, led by Supervisor Kristin Gaspar, the Board doubled down on an outdated and out-of-touch view of legal cannabis,” Fletcher said in an email. “By saying no to  creating a regulated market, they have opened the floodgates for more illegal shops, more criminal activity, and substantial losses in tax revenue to our county.”

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Difference Between A Marijuana Dispensary And A Liquor Store

What’s the difference between stepping inside a neighborhood weed store and retail outlets designed to cater to the alcohol consumer?

Back when cannabis advocates were first successfully moving to legalize marijuana for recreational use at the state level, one of the most popular phrases used to describe what that might look like is “in a manner similar to alcohol.” The gist of the pitch was that upon the legalization of marijuana, there would be a taxed and regulated market put into place — same as the alcohol trade — that would allow adults 21 and older to buy cannabis products close to the same way they might purchase beer at a liquor store.

Fast forward a few years and there are now marijuana dispensaries open in several states, with more of them set to come. But what is the difference between stepping inside a neighborhood weed store and retail outlets designed to cater to the alcohol consumer? You might be surprised to learn that the two are very different.

Unlike the average liquor store, marijuana dispensaries like to make sure a person is of legal age before they ever step inside. These establishments typically have security personnel standing at the entrance to check IDs.

You won’t see a weed buyer standing at the cash register of a cannabis dispensary patting their pockets in a panicked quest to produce a driver’s license that may or may not exist. You know the ones who might say, “I don’t know what to tell you, I guess I left my ID at home,” while trying to convince the clerk that they are indeed 21. Without proof that a person is a legal age to buy weed, they simply are not getting any further than the front door. 

Alcohol customers can walk into a liquor store and track down their beverage of choice without much social interaction. They do not need to be told where to find the Mad Dog 20/20, and they sure don’t need someone to explain to them how the beverage might make them feel. 

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Massachusetts To Sell Previously Quarantined Vape Products

Massachusetts health officials are getting ready to phase vapes back in.

Last year, in November, Massachusetts quarantined at least 600,000 vape products during the vaping sickness scare. Now, these products can be retested and either sold or recycled into new products, as long as they pass additional testing performed at approved facilities. 

According to a press release from the Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) in Massachusetts released Monday, now that three rounds of testing and a public comment period have passed, the businesses can proceed with making use of these products, as long as they are clearly labeled with warnings explaining they were previously quarantined after passing the testing cycle. 

After two testing attempts, the products must be thrown out if they do not pass. The public comment period allowed people to speak out about whether or not they supported the reuse or use of these products or saw any issues with the attempt to salvage any of them. Only after this time was it deemed that the products could be further tested and then resold or repurposed. 

“Since the Commonwealth declared a vaping public health emergency last fall, the Commission has dedicated significant energy and resources to investigating the additives, hardware, and storage practices that licensees use to produce and sell cannabis vaporizer products,” Commission Executive Director Shawn Collins said in the press release. “Fortunately, repeat tests of licensed product samples did not return any detectable levels of [vitamin E acetate]; unfortunately, they did establish that heavy metal contamination may increase in vaping products over time.”

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Michael Thompson was given a 60-year prison sentence for selling three pounds of pot. He is now presumed to have COVID-19

Supporters are concerned the 69-year-old diabetic, who is not set to be eligible for parole until he reaches his late 80s, may not survive the ordeal

Although Michael Thompson has been in jail for more than 25 years for selling weed, he may be facing a death sentence.

Thompson is Michigan’s longest-serving non-violent offender. He was convicted of selling three pounds of cannabis to a police informant in 1994 and was incarcerated in 1996 after being sentenced to 42 to 60 years in prison.

He has now been hospitalized with presumptive COVID-19 along with a group of fellow prisoners from Michigan’s Muskegon Correctional, reportsBenzinga Cannabis. Supporters are concerned that the 69-year-old diabetic, who is not set to be eligible for parole until he reaches his late 80s, may not survive the ordeal.

Thompson previously expressed concerns about the spread of the coronavirus in prisons and how it may impact him, saying in June that if he contracted the virus, “it’s over with. I don’t want to die. I’ve done almost 25 years and then to die from something, some virus. When is someone going to finally hear the cries?”

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Researchers: Cannabinoids May Impact Prescription Drug Effects

Penn State College of Medicine researchers have found products containing cannabinoids may have impacts on the effects of some conventional prescription drugs.

The researchers have put together a list of 57 medications that may not function as intended when used with cannabis products including medical cannabinoids, CBD oil and medical or recreational marijuana. This could involve prescription drugs not being as effective, or their effects boosted. All the prescription drugs listed have a narrow therapeutic index – meaning the doses are usually prescribed at levels high enough to be effective, but not at a level that could cause harm.

There are some widely used medications on the list including warfarin, which is an anti-coagulant that prevents blood clots from forming.  Warfarin is commonly used to prevent stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease or artificial heart valves. Other classes of drugs include, but are not limited to, antibiotics, anti-convulsants and pain medications.

The researchers, Professor Kent Vrana and pharmacist Paul Kocis, have also published a list of 139 medications that could have a potential drug-drug interaction with a cannabinoid.

This is important research that demonstrates why it’s important for doctors to brush up on cannabis and for patients to be honest with their doctors about their cannabis use, whether its medicinal or recreational.

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Report highlights growing potency of marijuana sold in Colorado

A report released by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) this week revealed that THC levels in cannabis products sold in the state are on the rise.

The THC in Colorado Marijuana Report 2020, compiled by the CDPHE’s Retail Marijuana Public Health Advisory Committee, also takes a look at the health implications of the rising potency of marijuana in Colorado, which was one of the first two U.S. states to legalize recreational sales. 

Since legalization took effect in 2012, the report notes “it is apparent that progress has occurred quicker in the marijuana industry than in science.”

“The sheer quantity and variety of marijuana products available on the retail market place is proof of this rapid advancement,” it continues, before concluding that, based on various studies, this trend of increasing THC concentration has been “happening worldwide and it appears to be increasing on a yearly basis.”  

On average, cannabis flower bought on the Colorado market has 19.56% THC, however, the report underlines there have been instances of “some retail marijuana stores advertising up to 95% THC in concentrate products.” 

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National CBD Day Is Saturday

Some holidays seem to roll around at just the right time, like my birthday when the last dregs of Christmas largesse are spent, Memorial Day when we need one last long weekend to get us through the school year before summer vacation, and now, National CBD Day on August 8th, just when the CBD market needs a boost from the deflating impacts of Covid-19. 

In a July 2020 report by The Brightfield Group, data analysts projected that CBD sales for 2020 will only be up 14% from 2019 rather than the 30% originally projected due to impacts of the Covid crisis. Store closures, spiking unemployment, and inaction by the FDA are all contributing to a sluggish market. The report also shows that nearly half of CBD consumers have moved their purchasing online due to coronavirus. CBD sales may be suffering due to the pandemic, but the surge in conditions triggered and exacerbated by the virus, such as anxiety (ranked the number one ailment of CBD users), depression (ranked second) and insomnia (ranked sixth) indicate that demand for CBD products will only increase as Covid-19 maintains its grip. 

Among the most popular products right now are edibles, with 33% of US consumers stating an increase in consumption when surveyed in June, with higher dosages reported among all products used. Vape products appear to be declining in popularity, however, due to negative media attention around inhalants and the increased likelihood that inhalant users will experience serious complications with Covid-19.  A surplus of hemp biomass is causing an overall price drop as well as hefty promotions and flash sales to incentivize consumers to sample the array of new products on the market, such as those with trendy ingredients like turmeric and ashwagandha as well as some lesser-known cannabinoids like CBG and CBN. Additionally, CBD companies are inundating the market with innovative products that go beyond the standard capsule and tincture delivery methods.

One example is VCC Brands’ Subtle Tea, a vegan, keto-friendly way to refresh the body and rejuvenate the mind with flavors like Jasmine Green Tea with Lychee and White Peach Tea with Cardamom. Another is TOCA Botanicals TOTO CBD Lubricant, to inspire pleasure and relaxation of a more intimate variety. Humans aren’t the only species feeling the shaky vibes of the 2020 rollercoaster, which is why Harvey’s All Naturals introduced their  Harvey’s All Naturals Elixir for Pets to address pet stress and anxiety as well as pain and inflammation.

2020 has been a rocky year for the economy, but with the FDA inching closer to a clearer, more consistent regulatory framework and the demand for products that can ease the tensions of one of the most dramatic periods in recent history ever rising, the CBD industry is poised for a major rebound. And with new products hitting the market just in time for National CBD Day (and beyond), there just might be a CBD product out there for everything the Covid Era still has in store.

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Canada to host workshop on setting global cannabis safety standards

s legal cannabis markets continue to expand rapidly across the globe, Canada is uniquely positioned to develop international safety guidelines for the emerging industry.

On Tuesday, safety science consultant firm UL said it has teamed up with the Standards Council of Canada to host a workshop to address the safety, security and sustainability of the global legal weed industry.

The workshop will kick off in November and cover three distinct areas:


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