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10 Most Potent Sativa Strains On The Market

This particular strain is very popular, as it is a pure and classic sativa strain. It is sought after in the cannabis market all over the world.

Year in year out, new sativa strains are being developed, while the already existing ones are being improved. Experienced cannabis smokers already know which strains to go for if they want a classical or newly developed strain. Newbie smokers might however be confused on which to go for.

As we all know, the cannabis market is littered with different products. This is why this list has been carefully researched and put together to help everyone know the most potent sativa strains on the market this year.

To curate this list, the energizing, euphoric, and creative effects of several sativa strains were observed, along with their THC level.

Let’s dive in!

Why you didn't get the cannabis strain you think you did
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Push For Hemp To Be Displayed In U.S. Botanic Garden

Several members of Congress have submitted a formal request that the U.S. Botanic Garden include hemp plants in its display.

The United States Botanic Garden (USBG) was established by Congress in 1820 and is the oldest continuously operating botanic garden in the country. Covering 150 acres, it host tens of thousands of plants, some of them rare.

Missing from its collection is hemp. While in the past this may have been due to its previous legal status, hemp was fully legalized for commercial production in the 2018 Farm Bill. While both forms of cannabis, hemp is distinguished from marijuana based on levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), with hemp required to contain no more than 0.3% THC.

Given the change in its legal standing, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) recently sent a letter to USBG’s Executive Director requesting the Garden display hemp plants.

Noting that some domestically grown hemp is being utilised for the extraction of cannabidiol (CBD), they have suggested the plants may be ideally located in the Botanic Garden “medicinal plants” section, where more than a hundred species of herbs and plants are on display.

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Innovation in 2020 was Driven by Cannabis Consumers

To say 2020 was a wild ride would be an understatement.

Between a global pandemic, renewed calls for civil rights, and a dramatic election season, it was a true roller coaster of emotions.

One thing however remained clear: the cannabis community is one of resilience, inclusion, and humble passion for the plant. 

Cannabis & Tech Today has opted to declare the consumers Innovators of the Year, as they are the true driving force behind everything the industry does — and continues to strive for.

Here’s our love letter to the folks who inspire all of us to raise the bar every day and fight for safe access across the country until full legalization is finally a reality.

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Pennsylvania Is Crushing It In Cannabis

The trend on public support for legalization of marijuana in Pennsylvania is clear, with support growing for the eighth year in a row.

Pennsylvania has only legalized medical marijuana, but the numbers make it look as if it is adult use cannabis driving the sales. Cannabis data company Headset recently expanded its reach into Pennsylvania and published its first full market report based on consumer insights and real-time market data.

The report found that over the past twelve months, Pennsylvania’s medical cannabis sales have escalated, and between April 2020 and March 2021, Pennsylvania’s medical markets brought in $909.4 million. Medical sales grew 120% in the first quarter of 2021 to $267.8 million from last year’s $121.5 million for the same time period.

Photo by Ethan Miller/Staff/Getty Images

The report also determined that Pennsylvania stands out among other U.S. markets with the largest average basket sizes so far this year, at $123.88 per basket. In addition, Pennsylvania’s average basket size was two times as high as Michigan’s and one-and-a-half times as high as Oregon’s.

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The 4 Things Many States Get Wrong When They Legalize Marijuana

Marijuana legalization has gone mainstream. In November, voters in four states approved recreational cannabis, and legislators in Virginia, New Mexico, and New York followed suit in early 2021, sending bills to all three governors' desks.

But the term legalization obscures vast differences in how states regulate marijuana businesses and consumption. Oklahoma arguably passed the most free market medical marijuana rules among the states. Michigan's recreational marijuana regulations largely embrace free and open markets, while Colorado's have steadily liberalized since legalization. Unfortunately, most other states are choosing highly restrictive market structures that undercut their ability to foster economic growth and quash the black market (we're looking at you, California!).

Wielding statutes such as possession limits, allowance for home growing, tax levels, licensing regimes, and testing and labeling requirements, states are targeting real political problems or imagined market ones. But such wrangling ensures that legal markets lose out to black markets. Even in polite Canada, only 28 percent of cannabis consumers buy legally, possibly beating out some U.S. states. Here are the four biggest mistakes states make, time after time, when creating legal marijuana markets.

1. Caps on Licenses

Most states where marijuana has been legalized arbitrarily cap how many businesses can be licensed to grow, manufacture, or sell. Advocates justify these caps to limit excess supply from bleeding into black markets, despite every recreational marijuana program's extensive state-monitored inventory tracking, which uses radio frequency identification on every plant or package and mandatory continuous video surveillance. If each product from every licensed facility is tracked, why cap licenses? 

A more pernicious motivation may lurk under the surface: excluding aspiring competitors. In Nevada, which permits only 120 dispensaries statewide, regulators accepted bribes from applicants, then manipulated the application process in those applicants' favor. In Illinois, which permits only 30 cultivators in a state with more than 11 million residents, license caps created systemic shortages, raising prices well beyond those found on the black market.

Society Is Richer and More Accepting, Thanks to Libertarian Ideas
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3 Ways To Use Hemp Oil

Whether you’re looking to treat a specific skin condition, or simply want to improve your health regime, there’s a lot that hemp seed oil can do!

This article is sponsored by Real Tested CBD.

How old are you?

The number of years you’ve been alive doesn’t necessarily tell how old you are on a biological level. An international study found that some people age up to three times faster than others.

Some of the participants in the study were 38-years-old but had a biological age of close to 60! The results prove that age-related decline is already happening in young adults who haven’t even begun to encounter age-related diseases.

Photo by Tinnakorn Jorruang/Getty Images

5 Common Myths About Hemp Oil And CBD Oil
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1 in 5 Texans have more relaxed view towards marijuana following lockdowns, survey reveals

Due to the months spent indoors due to the pandemic, a lot of people can relate to new habits brought on by loneliness or stress.

For some, it has been eating more or drinking more alcohol, and others have begun trying out substances such as marijuana.

A provider of addiction recovery resources and information, Recovery.org, polled 3,000 respondents and found that over 1 in 5 Texans, 22%, say they now have a more relaxed view towards recreational marijuana use after experiencing a year of lockdowns.

Being stuck inside has also resulted in many celebrities sharing their substance use during the pandemic: as a virtual guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in April 2020, Seth Rogen said he was smoking cannabis and doing pottery to get through lockdown days.

Although many activities were limited during lockdowns, some states such as California, Colorado, Illinois, Maryland, Oregon, New Jersey, and New York deemed cannabis dispensaries an essential service.

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Montana Senate Votes to Advance Promising Cannabis Legalization Bill

Montana moved a step closer to implementing its voter-approved recreational marijuana program last week.

On Friday, lawmakers in the Montana Senate passed a bill establishing a framework for the nascent program, including a provision that “would reserve tax revenue from sales for addiction treatment and statewide conservation efforts,” according to the Associated Press.

The bill, which passed the Montana Senate by a vote of 34-16, now heads back to the state House, where lawmakers will vote on the state Senate’s amendments. Lawmakers in the state House passed legislation to implement the new legal pot program earlier this month.

Voters in Montana passed the legalization ballot measure in November, one of four states to pass legal weed proposals in last year’s elections. Shortly after the election, Montana officials announced that they anticipate licenses being available in the fall of this year.

“There’s a lot of work ahead before the first legal sale of non-medical marijuana in Montana, and before the first license is issued,” said Gene Walborn, director of Montana’s Department of Revenue, which is overseeing parts of the new cannabis program. “We look forward to working with the public and all interested parties as we develop guidelines around this new industry to move it forward, while also protecting public safety and raising revenue for the state of Montana.”

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6 Tips For CBD Gummies

1.What are CBD Gummies?

CBD has grown to be the talk of the town in recent years. According to a study, approximately 64 million Americans have tried it in the last 24 months. Among the 64 million Americans, 64% used it as pain relief, 49% used it for coping-up with anxiety, and 42% found it helpful for insomnia. Sunday Scaries CBD gummies come under the list of products that contain Cannabidiol oil. They are edible candies that come in varieties of colors and sizes. They are available in many flavors and offer an easy way to intake Cannabidiol. It is an effective way of marketing it among its users. However, the strength and purity of these gummies vary between different brands. As far as FDA approvals are concerned, it approved a CBD product named Epidiolex. It is helpful for the treatment of epilepsy. Companies developing such products claim that they can help with depression, anxiety, pain. They even help in improving sleep. But there is not strong evidence that CBD gummies work like that. Numerous users have claimed that consuming gummies make you feel relaxed and lend a sense of comfort. It is a non-psychotropic substance because it is devoid of THC. Therefore, the usage of these gummies is increasing daily because of their positive effects. Studies also confirm that consumption of CBD ensures health benefits to the individual.

Here are six tips highlighting the benefits of CBD consumption.

1.1 Can Reduce Anxiety and Depression 

Studies have shown that high consumption of CBD may reduce anxiety and depression. There are two types of receptors present in the human body. The adenosine receptors are responsible for anxiety and uneasiness, while the serotonin receptors are accountable for depression. Cannabidiol interacts with these two receptors to help patients cope-up with anxiety and depression. The lack of efficiency in these two receptors might result in anxiety and depression in an individual. Consuming it helps both the receptors achieve an efficiency of 100 percent, thus reducing anxiety and depression. They can help induce a calm mindset.

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Cannabis Companies In Beast Mode With 420 Sales

420 was predicted to be a huge day for cannabis sales and it certainly didn’t disappoint. Akerna said that by the time Tuesday hit, the daily retail sale of legal cannabis was expected to gross $95 million nationally, bringing total 4/20-related sales to $370 million in the U.S. if Akerna’s data proves accurate.

Planet 13

Nevada-based Planet 13 Holdings Inc.(OTCQB:PLNHF)  a leading vertically-integrated Nevada cannabis company, announces record sales day on April 20, 2021 (“420”). The Company generated $543,000 in single-day sales with gross margins during the month in excess of 50%.

“The demand and acceptance for cannabis is growing across the country, and nowhere is that more evident than in Las Vegas. For tourists returning to Vegas, Planet 13 is synonymous with cannabis and an incredible entertainment experience,” said Larry Scheffler, Co-CEO of Planet 13. “The demand is so overwhelming that even with the many improvements we have made to streamline throughput, we still can’t capture all of the demand. I’m excited for the relaxing of COVID restrictions on May 1st and our expansion which doubles our sales floor and points of sale to handle the unprecedented surge in customer traffic.”

Planet 13 said it is also hiring over 300 workers to staff its Vegas dispensary expansion (doubling points-of-sale/registers to 85) and to staff its new California SuperStore.

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The pandemic created the American cannabis consumer, who’s not going away

During a year that saw hundreds of thousands of American deaths and widespread suffering, so-called vice industries thrived. Whether for mental health needs, self-medication, or pure recreation, the consuming public hoarded alcohol and other substances in an apparent effort to cope with the outbreak and social isolation over the past 12 months. And one of the biggest beneficiaries was the cannabis industry, which saw explosive growth in 2020 that’s expected to continue into the next decade and beyond as an increasing number of states legalize recreational marijuana use.

On weed enthusiasts’ high holiday of 4/20, cannabis analytics and tech provider Akerna projects that legal cannabis sales will cross $95 million on that day alone. Perhaps that’s not surprising on a day that encourages excess. But it’s also representative of a larger trend.

“Americans purchased $18.3 billion in cannabis products over the past calendar year, $7.6 billion more than the $10.7 billion in sales the previous year,” writes the cannabis-focused Leafly in a report compiled from marijuana state tax and revenue records.

Headset and CannaCra

Some of that is clearly linked to the increasing number of states that have legalized marijuana, either recreationally or for medical use, in the past few years. New York this year became one of the largest states in the nation to legalize recreational marijuana. Of all 50 states, 48 allow for some form of medical marijuana; 16 states have legalized it recreationally, including the entire West Coast.

But the pandemic clearly had an effect on marijuana sales that may persist into the future. Americans may have been stocking up to limit interactions with dispensaries that may have closed down, and an influx of new customers in states legalizing the drug affected the revenue growth. “New consumers and patients, and newly legal states, played a role in 2020’s cannabis boom. But the main driver was an increase in the average purchase size of established consumers, who increased their average monthly spends by 33%,” according to Leafly.

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Whoa! New Report Finds This Many Americans Consume Cannabis

As cannabis legalization continues to sweep the U.S, beliefs and behaviors surrounding 420, once considered a “stoner holiday,” are shifting to become much more mainstream and inclusive.

One in four Americans currently consume cannabis, reporting they’ve tried some form of cannabis within the past twelve months. That’s a significant increase since 2018* when just 16% of U.S. adults reported current consumption, representing a 56% increase in just two years. What’s more, 23% of current cannabis consumers say they tried cannabis for the first time over the past year, suggesting the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with expanded state legalization, has rapidly accelerated cannabis acceptance and adoption in America.

These findings are part of a national study conducted by global public opinion and data company YouGov in partnership with Sunnyside, the national retail dispensary brand of Cresco Labs. The study, conducted in March 2021, examined cannabis use, attitudes, and purchase behaviors of nearly 5,000 Americans representative of the U.S. population.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

Key findings from the study indicate that cannabis is attracting new consumers from a variety of demographics:

Federal Marijuana Legalization Could Mimic End Of Alcohol Prohibition
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Cannabis Smoking Lounges Finally Approved By Denver City Council

In honor of this very special, 4/20, semi-post-pandemic holiday week, the city of Denver has an exciting announcement. On Monday, Denver City Council approved cannabis smoking lounges. This exciting news coincided perfectly with the cannabis holiday, getting city residents excited for what is to come.

There are already some businesses in Denver that have been holding their breath, ready and excited to pivot as soon as local law allows. The Tetra Lounge in RiNo is just one example of a private club, like many of the clubs that already exist in Denver. Out-of-towners can’t just stop in and get high, as a membership is needed, and this has been one of the major criticisms so far of the legal cannabis industry in Colorado and Denver. There still isn’t really a sustainable, legal place for tourists to smoke. 

With this new ordinance passing in the city of Denver, it will now be fully legal to go in and enjoy a cannabis smoking lounge just as a guest stopping by. This is a smart move for rebuilding the economy and tourism in Colorado, as there will now be many more options for visiting folks. 

“I love it,” said an unnamed individual at The Tetra Lounge about this new ruling. “I think it’s a beautiful thing, I’m glad.”

Dewayne Benjamin the owner of Tetra Lounge, echoed these sentiments a bit more eloquently. “I think it’s great for the community, especially to give them more areas like this. I think it’s a wonderful thing.”

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Studies Link Cannabis Consumption and Increased Exercise

The late, great NBA All-Star Clifford “Uncle Cliffy” Robinson (rest in peace) often stated that cannabis consumption can absolutely be a part of an active lifestyle.

Robinson knew firsthand his claim was valid, having played 18 years in the NBA and been a cannabis consumer throughout his professional career.

Uncle Cliffy didn’t just make rosters in the NBA, he was an elite player for the better part of two decades. Clearly, cannabis did not slow him down.

The same is true for countless other professional and semi-professional athletes in the international sports community, as well as amateur athletes across the globe.

In fact, a set of two recent studies found that cannabis consumption was associated with a greater rate of exercise.

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Virginia’s Governor Ralph Northam Signs Cannabis Legalization Bills Into Law

Democratic Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia signed a bill to legalize cannabis on Wednesday, marking the first time a state in the South has approved the use and sale of recreational marijuana for adults. The measure moves up the legalization of simple possession of cannabis to July 1, two years earlier than legislation originally approved by lawmakers in February.

The governor said that the legislation is a “milestone” for the state and called it a step toward “building a more equitable and just Virginia and reforming our criminal justice system to make it more fair.”

“What this really means is that people will no longer be arrested or face penalties for simple possession that follow them and affect their lives,” Governor Ralph Northam said during a press conference with activists and state lawmakers that was streamed live on Facebook on Wednesday afternoon. “We know that marijuana laws in Virginia and throughout this country have been disproportionately enforced against communities of color and low-income Virginians.”

Beginning on July 1, 2021, adults 21 and older will be permitted to possess up to one ounce of marijuana. Adults will also be permitted to grow up to four cannabis plants at home, but only in a location that is out of public view. Plants must also be tagged with the owner’s driver’s license or identification number and a notice stating that they are for personal use. The bill also “modifies several other criminal penalties related to marijuana, and imposes limits on dissemination of criminal history record information related to certain marijuana offenses.”

The legislation signed by Governor Ralph Northam on Wednesday also establishes a regulatory and taxation framework for the commercial cultivation, manufacturing, and sale of recreational cannabis. The provisions governing cannabis commerce are slated to go into effect on July 1, 2024, in order to allow state officials time to draft regulations and issue licenses to approved cannabis businesses.

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The 4 Biggest Problems With CBD Products

Many consumers are snatching up CBD products that may not be all they’re cracked up to be.

If it weren’t for cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, the marijuana industry would be on the streets begging for nickels rather than enjoying the fruits of a business sector that is predicted to be worth $22 billion within the next few years.

It seems that America has fully embraced the concept of this non-intoxicating cannabinoid in hopes that it will do everything its proponents say it will, from alleviating pain, anxiety and perhaps even depression. But due to the company this marketplace keeps — not to mention its lack of federal oversight — a lot of consumers are snatching up CBD products that may not be all they’re cracked up to be. These are just a few of the most common problems with all that CBD the nation has become so smitten with.

Dosage Is Sometimes Lower Than Advertised

Consumers should be able to trust the labels of the products they use, but when it comes to CBD, that gets harder to do. Since these products are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration like other drugs, cannabis companies are basically responsible for putting their own standards in place.

Photo by Christin Hume via Unsplash

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Cannabis Holidays to Celebrate Throughout the Year

We all know 420 as the quintessential stoner holiday. Even many people who don’t smoke very much have heard of the day; it’s globally recognized. But did you know there are quite a few other cannabis holidays, more quaint and less commercialized ones, that are very much worth celebrating?

So, mark your calendars, call your friends, and make sure you’re stocked up on all your favorite products when these cannabis holidays roll around.


420 – April 20th

First on the list, not because it’s the most well-known but because it’s chronologically first, is none other than 420. The origin of the term 420 can be traced back to a group of five teens from San Rafael, California, the birthplace of many industry trends and the current largest cannabis market in the world. The teens were appropriately nicknamed “the Waldos” due to their preferred hang out spot – a wall outside of their high school. In the fall of 1971, the Waldos got wind of a rumor that a Coast Guard planted some cannabis seeds there and was no longer able to tend to his field.

Every day after school, they would pile into one of their cars, have a little smoke sesh, and scour the Point Reyes National Forest for this legendary crop. Their daily meeting time? 4:20 p.m. They never did find the elusive crop (that likely didn’t even exist), but they did manage start a trend that would first take over their high school and soon reach global status.

The phrase “420” quickly spread around, especially with teens and young adults, because it allowed teens to talk about cannabis openly while their parents, teachers, and supervisors were none the wiser. Eventually, thanks to some attention from Grateful Dead and a simple flyer that read, “We are going to meet at 4:20 on 4/20 for 420-ing in Marin County at the Bolinas Ridge sunset spot on Mt. Tamalpais.” Once High Times printed the story, accompanied by a photo of the flyer, it was game over… 420 was officially a thing.

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What Is Hash And Why Is It Making A Comeback?

Hash is relatively easy to make, and new extraction techniques utilizing dry ice and CO2 introduced in the late 80s have helped make it more available in the U.S.

Back in the 80s, buying hash was easy in Europe — especially Amsterdam.

Walk into any of the Bulldog Café coffeeshops in the heart of the city, where there was a sandwich board out front with a marijuana leaf painted on it, ask at the counter, and generally there was a guy selling hash in another room.

Photo by Cappi Thompson/Getty Images

Finger hash, made from scraping the residue off the hands of anyone handling lots of the resin glands of the sticky bud, was very popular, as was Afghan black hash, blonde Lebanese hash, Moroccan hash — the seller usually had a sort of menu printed out for a buyer to peruse.

What Is Hash And Why Is It Making A Comeback?
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Some Marijuana Facts You Had No Idea About

The cannabis world is varied and rich and can fill a gazillion jeopardies. You assume you know a lot about the fantastic pot, but you’re mistaken. It’s because there’s always something new and exciting waiting to be unveiled around the corner for you.

And why not? Cannabis is a drug, cure, and a booming business, which is all wrapped into one. There isn’t any plant that has attained so much recognition. 

What are the things every consumer must be well-aware of?

The marijuana facts tell you what the plant is all about and some lesser-known historical things — you had no idea before. But, before knowing some weird facts, it becomes essential to know some marijuana advantages that show its power. 

Yes, marijuana has several benefits for our body and mind. A few of the many benefits are:

It relieves chronic pain greatly.Helps in nausea reduction.It has a substance for battling cancer cells.Deals with PTSD, stress, and anxiety.Assists in the prevention of Alzheimer’s.Prevents glaucoma.Decreases Dravet’s syndrome.Boosts appetite.Reduces neuropathic pain.

With such excellent benefits, it is undoubtedly hard to ignore this magical plant. That’s the foremost reason why cannabis concentrates are popular among the masses and health professionals worldwide. Now that you’re waiting for some fantastic facts, let’s get going:

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Project Playlist: How to Find the Right 420 Tunes

If you’re old enough, you may remember the terrific agony of combing through your music collection in an attempt to make the perfect mixtape. Each song had to be meticulously placed, the entire playlist had to flow seamlessly and putting an artist on there more than once was a cardinal sin. Gestures of that magnitude were typically reserved for significant others or potential significant others and were considered a big deal — especially if you included your own customized cover art.

Even if you don’t go all out, making a mix of great music to smoke to — whether it’s for yourself, someone else or to play in a social setting — is an art that requires equal parts effort and creativity. There aren’t a lot of rules when it comes to making a playlist but there are some things that make a difference and show that you spent some time coming up with just the right combination and not simply putting your playlist on auto-pilot aka shuffle.

Need some ideas on getting your 420 playlist together? Check out some of these suggestions to help you get started on the right track.

Curate your Vibe

First things first — what are you smoking and what’s the mood you’re going for? Is this background music or something you’ll be paying attention to? Are you trying to chill out with a nice hybrid without any distractions? Maybe an instrumental album or beat tape will work. Do you want something to hype you up while you puff on sativa? Peruse your workout playlist for something upbeat and exciting. Once you’ve decided how you want your playlist to make you feel, you’ll have some direction that will give you an idea of where you want to start.

Pick a Theme

Although it’s not completely necessary, it’s a nice touch to have your playlist connect in some way even if it’s just for fun. You can choose an era like ’90s hip-hop, play exclusively reggae if you want to stick to a genre, opt for a keyword to bridge your songs together (ex: every song has the word “high” or “green” in the title) or let the strain of your choice influence your flow. The more creative and out of the box, the better.

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