The future Hall of Famer admits to smoking marijuana during his playing career.
Activists celebrate the strides they've made in a once intractable issue in recent years.
The future Hall of Famer admits to smoking marijuana during his playing career.
Activists celebrate the strides they've made in a once intractable issue in recent years.
Albany - Less than a week after their 7-year-old daughter Adrienne started taking an experimental marijuana-based medicine, Bill and Kim Kelly noticed a big difference.
There are nearly 500 natural compounds in marijuana and over 100 of those chemical compounds (thanks to a recent discovery) are called cannabinoids.
The last three presidents admitted to using marijuana, as have a growing number of Americans, but it appears likely that the next occupant of the Oval Office has never consumed cannabis.
Bruce Kennedy ~ ~
A certified pharmacist and leading medical marijuana advocate sees consumer demand expanding at his suburban Chicago dispensary.
Clint Pyatt is a third-generation farmer from Oklahoma who has traveled the world promoting the hemp industry. So it’s no coincidence that the 45-year-old Marine Corps veteran is trying to shepherd hemp into Pueblo County.
Say good-bye to retail shops with pot leaf posters. Welcome to the gorgeous -- and profitable -- professionally designed legal marijuana retailers.
Legal cannabis has been a hot topic in the march to Election Night 2016.
States that implemented medical marijuana laws experienced an especially notable drop in painkiller prescriptions.
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