“It’s like when you drink whiskey or wine — there’s more to it than just the alcohol content.”
Currently, Tennessee is among a dwindling number of states where marijuana has been neither decriminalized nor legalized for medical or recreational use.
“It’s like when you drink whiskey or wine — there’s more to it than just the alcohol content.”
Currently, Tennessee is among a dwindling number of states where marijuana has been neither decriminalized nor legalized for medical or recreational use.
CTA, the organization behind both CES and the CES Innovation Award, barred Keep Labs from using the word "cannabis" on its booth or on any marketing materials -- in spite of marijuana being legal to buy in Nevada.
The compound is said to have a mild psychoactive effect, slightly more so than CBD but much less than THC.
Travelers at either of Chicago’s airports may have noticed something new while passing through security after the holidays.
The director of the National Institute of Health explained that federal laws make it very hard to study marijuana in the U.S.
The Mississippi Secretary of State set Nov. 3 as the date voters will decide on medical marijuana.
Tax revenue has continued to rise, helping to fund public service programs and the state’s general fund, but the Fed report’s authors write that experts don’t anticipate the rate of that growth can be sustained in the long-term if sales continue to steady.
The pain of defeat Browns fans experience over and over again can sometimes be too much bear.
Banks are in the business of making money, and the medical marijuana industry is expected to generate a lot of it.
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