What was once very clearly a sub-culture is now becoming culture.
An estimated 400,000 Americans are currently living with multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune cells attack a fatty substance called myelin in the nerves.
What was once very clearly a sub-culture is now becoming culture.
An estimated 400,000 Americans are currently living with multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune cells attack a fatty substance called myelin in the nerves.
Recreational marijuana is becoming legal in more jurisdictions throughout the US and is being used medically at an even greater rate.
TRENTON — Republican Gov. Chris Christie's warning to the Democrat-led Legislature not to move forward with legalizing marijuana is going mostly unheeded.
BISMARCK — The 2014 Farm Bill allowed for universities and state departments of agriculture to create pilot programs for the growing of industrial hemp. But it didn’t change the Controlled Substances Act or make hemp completely legal.
With recreational marijuana use on the verge of becoming legal in Maine, real estate brokers are seeing a jump in demand for industrial spaces that could become indoor marijuana farms in the not-too-distant future.
Older Americans are among the fastest growing groups of pot users, according to recent research and drug surveys.
Much more research is needed to know whether medical cannabis oil may have a wound-healing effect.
HORRY COUNTY, SC (WMBF) - The medical marijuana bill, which is currently in discussion in the state Senate, and a law that would allow farmers to grow industrial hemp are two separate issues.
As marijuana increasingly gets the legalization green light, what does it mean for spirits?
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