Organizers are closing in on their goal of collecting 2,300 signatures to get marijuana decriminalization on the November ballot in Kansas City.
Medical marijuana could be the law in the majority of states by the time Election Day is over.
Organizers are closing in on their goal of collecting 2,300 signatures to get marijuana decriminalization on the November ballot in Kansas City.
Medical marijuana could be the law in the majority of states by the time Election Day is over.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Connolly strongly supports decriminalizing marijuana in New Hampshire, and he may be willing to go further.
And if California votes to legalize, other states will follow.
The regulations that will govern Pennsylvania's nascent medical-marijuana industry are quickly taking shape.
Menéndez plans to try and expand medical marijuana to more patients in 2017 when the Texas Legislature gets back to work.
ATLANTA - Georgia parents fighting to get their children potentially life changing medicine are furious over a federal government’s decision on marijuana.
A measure allowing people in North Dakota to purchase marijuana for treatment of nearly a dozen medical conditions will be placed on the Nov. 8 ballot.
Arizona voters are poised to decide whether to legalize marijuana for recreational use.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton plans to reschedule marijuana if she is elected in November, according to a statement issued by the campaign.
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