Loosening some of the most stringent medical marijuana laws in the nation.
In a new interview with Rolling Stone magazine, outgoing President Barack Obama makes his most explicit comments about marijuana decriminalization to date.
Loosening some of the most stringent medical marijuana laws in the nation.
In a new interview with Rolling Stone magazine, outgoing President Barack Obama makes his most explicit comments about marijuana decriminalization to date.
Over the past two years a number of new marijuana-related businesses have registered in Vermont.
With Iowa’s limited medical cannabis laws set to expire in July, state legislators and medical marijuana advocates say they see an opportunity to rewrite a more comprehensive set of rules when the Legislature reconvenes in January.
Legal cannabis is expanding like a weed, and these states could be next on the list.
Election Day was a winning day for marijuana. Voters in eight states approved either the growth of recreational marijuana or, like Florida, the production of medical cannabis. Those votes will increase pressure for change in Georgia.
Two of the leading supporters of marijuana law reform in Congress have starkly different predictions about what could happen to state cannabis policies if President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for attorney general is confirmed.
PHOENIX — Less than a month after voters rejected allowing the recreational use of marijuana, there’s a new — and scaled-back — proposal emerging for the 2018 ballot.
Although many argue that it is too late to un-ring the bell of marijuana law reform, the state-federal imbalance — already complicated and fragile — cannot hold.
SAN ANTONIO -- Call it a windfall for weed. Four states approved the recreational use of marijuana last week, and four others approved the medicinal use. And Texas could follow suit.
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