Most Americans believe marijuana use should be legal, according to a new survey.
This action makes West Virginia the 29th state to legalize medical marijuana.
Most Americans believe marijuana use should be legal, according to a new survey.
This action makes West Virginia the 29th state to legalize medical marijuana.
Governor Carney has said he believes the state needs to focus on getting its 6-year-old medical marijuana program fully operational.
Legal recreational marijuana will be part of Illinois’ future. It’s a matter of when, not if. That’s the message from lawmakers backing legislation to fully legalize and regulate pot, and the coalition of groups lining up to support the bills.
A new initiative seeking to legalize medical marijuana has been unveiled in the Iowa Senate, and the proposal will have its first test on Wednesday.
Tribal lands could be the next frontier for the marijuana industry in Nevada.
Gov. Jerry Brown revealed a proposal last week to simplify statewide rules that govern medical and recreational marijuana sales and production, in anticipation of the launch of the recreational cannabis industry in California in 2018.
Medical marijuana advocates will descend on Capitol Hill Tuesday.
South Dakota voters could boost funding to teachers and reduce the state's sales tax burden by supporting a ballot measure aimed at legalizing marijuana for recreational use.
Four governors of states where voters have legalized marijuana for recreational use are asking the Trump administration to leave in place an Obama-era agreement that gave exemptions to the legal pot industry.
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