Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson speaks at a town hall on Wednesday in Panora, Iowa.  Image: Associated Press

Voter in Iowa presses Carson on medical marijuana – Marijuana News

The mother of a child with epilepsy pressed Ben Carson to voice his stance on medical marijuana in Panora Wednesday.

During a Q and A, the former-brain-surgeon-turned-Republican-presidential-candidate offered a couple of sentences stating that he approves of cannabis for medical use.

Then he focused his attention on staunch opposition to drugs like marijuana and heroin for recreational use, emphasizing that he would seal the border with Mexico to prevent drug trafficking into the United States.

"Medical marijuana has proven its benefit and it should be rescheduled, there’s no question about that," Carson said. He added, “There’s a big difference between what she’s talking about and legalizing marijuana. I don’t want to do that.”

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Timothy Meinch ~ The Des Moines Register ~