Medical News

New Study Suggests State Medical Marijuana Laws Linked to Lower Prescription Overdose Deaths – Marijuana News

In states where it is legal to use medical marijuana to manage chronic pain and other conditions, the annual number of deaths from prescription drug overdose is 25 percent lower than in states where medical marijuana remains illegal, new research suggests.

GW Pharma's cannabis drug gets orphan drug status – Marijuana News

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted GW Pharmaceuticals Plc's experimental cannabis-derived epilepsy drug "orphan" status for a third group of patients affected by a rare form of the disease.

More and more doctors want to make marijuana legal – Marijuana News

A group of more than 50 physicians, including a former surgeon general and faculty members at some of the nation's leading medical schools, has formed the first national organization of doctors to call on states and the federal government to legalize and regulate the use of marijuana in the interest of public health.

U.S. medical cannabis market to surpass $40 billion mark – Marijuana News

The medical cannabis market , despite an ongoing battle for its legalization in other states, is poised to exceed $40 billion worth of revenues over the next 10 years.

Texas town rallies around cannabis oil venture – Marijuana News

AUSTIN -- A small town in North Texas could see Texas' first full-scale medical cannabis business.

Should Medical Marijuana Be Used to Treat Pets? - Marijuana News

As is the case with humans, pets suffer side effects — including liver and kidney damage — from the medication they’re prescribed. But L.A. veterinarian Dr. Tim Shu says there’s a safe alternative for some of these prescriptions: medical marijuana.

Ohio would be first state to let those at risk of CTE use medical marijuana – Marijuana News

Supporters of the new push to legalize medical marijuana in Ohio have added several new medical conditions to a proposed constitutional amendment, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE.

Marijuana-Based Drug Found to Reduce Epileptic Seizures – Marijuana News

An experimental drug derived from marijuana has succeeded in reducing epileptic seizures in its first major clinical trial, the product’s developer announced Monday, a finding that could lend credence to the medical marijuana movement.

Iowans are already buying cannabis extract - Marijuana News

Dozens of Iowans have decided not to wait for legislators to make the sale of medical marijuana legal in the state.

CBD study at UAB shows promising results, researchers say – Marijuana News

About half of the patients who enrolled in a study of CBD oil at the University of Alabama at Birmingham had reductions in seizure frequency, according to initial results that will be reported at the American Academy of Neurology meeting in April.