Economic turmoil in China, the world’s second-largest economy and top consumer of industrial metals, has hit commodity prices hard. For the smaller players in the mining industry, that’s made business difficult, and the future uncertain.
Charlotte Albright ~ Vermont Public Radio ~
A group of Vermont business leaders called the Vermont Cannabis Collaborative has been inviting public comment on the best way to create a safe, sustainable marijuana industry.
Clarissa Cooper and Michael Bodley ~ Carnegie-Knight News21 initiative via ~
DENVER — Every month, Jamie Perino hires a security detail to come to her three recreational marijuana dispensaries. They stop by, collect thousands of dollars in cash and head out to deliver the money to the state, county and city.
Michael Bodley ~ ~
PHOENIX - The developing national marijuana industry is still sifting through labor disputes long since settled in other lines of work.
Competition will be fierce for Hawaii’s eight licenses to grow and sell medical cannabis. Many other types of businesses are looking for a piece of the action as well.
WTOP Staff ~ WTOP ~
WASHINGTON — Pot-related businesses in the District are starting to meet expectations, growing steadily since last February when marijuana became legal for private and personal use.
John Austin ~ CNHI State Reporter via Cleburne Times-Review ~
AUSTIN — Texans with epilepsy may not be buying legal cannabis oil here until 2017, but home-grown entrepreneurs are already lining up for a cut of the mainstream marijuana business.
A marijuana dispenser in Colorado is modeling his career after an unlikely business hero: TV dinner tycoon Clarence Birdseye, who practically invented the frozen food industry thanks to his dual interests in food preservation and inventing new technology.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City finds itself in the middle of a heated debate about the legalization of marijuana, as the target of a lawsuit filed by a credit union seeking to serve the industry.
Cincinnati area businesses are already pondering what they should do if Ohio votes this fall to legalize marijuana, including use of medicinal pot on the job.
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