For anyone curious about working in the world of weed, a new resource makes job-hunting easier.
Vilchis’ eye is on both the profit margins and the health benefits of her beloved CBD products.
For anyone curious about working in the world of weed, a new resource makes job-hunting easier.
Vilchis’ eye is on both the profit margins and the health benefits of her beloved CBD products.
There’s a new joint in town. MedMen, one of the largest marijuana retailers in the country, opened its newest medical marijuana dispensary last month in Santa Ana, making its 3,000 square feet of retail space one of the largest dispensaries in the county.
Growing marijuana takes a lot of energy, which comes into conflict with state efforts to reduce greenhouse gases. Now, some places are helping the pot industry to become more energy efficient.
Apparently, the Heineken-owned Lagunitas Brewing Company has crafted a new beer called "Supercritical" that is infused with cannabis.
As California’s legal marijuana industry booms, property owners and entrepreneurs are seizing the chance to transform spaces across the state into cannabis grow sites, processing facilities and dispensaries.
As California prepares to hand out licenses to marijuana businesses on Jan. 1, many are eyeing Northern California's winemaking regions as a pot of gold.
Canndescent's Instagram page looks like that of a luxury lifestyle company.
The entrepreneurs behind GG Strains built their brand on the popularity of award-winning Gorilla Glue #4. The company that makes Gorilla Glue adhesives wants its name back.
Before he decided to cash in on the cannabis craze, Dan Osborne was a minister for eight years in Salt Lake City, Utah (though he's not a Mormon).
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