WeedLife News Network

Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.
Study: Legal marijuana could generate more than $132 billion in federal tax revenue and 1 million jobs - Cannabis News
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Legalizing marijuana nationwide would create at least $132 billion in tax revenue and more than a million new jobs across the United States in the next decade, according to a new study.
From AI to Machine Learning: How These Tech Platforms are Pushing Cannabis into the Future - Cannabis News
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Nevada lawmakers said Tuesday that Congress must address federal marijuana laws following a decision by the Trump administration to lower the barrier on federal prosecutions in states that have decriminalized use for medical and recreational purposes.
Wisconsin Hemp Groups Applaud State's Decision To Delay New Regulations
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Business & Finance
The fresh pledges of support come amid calls from congressional members to shore up protections for states that have legalized marijuana.
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin sets vote for medical marijuana ballot measure - Cannabis News
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Oklahoma voters will get to decide on June 26 whether to legalize medical marijuana.
New federal pot policy unlikely to affect Illinois medical marijuana; legalization push continues - Cannabis News
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Members of Illinois’ medical marijuana industry say they’re disappointed by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ move to allow more aggressive enforcement of marijuana laws — but business operators maintain existing laws will protect them.
Vermont House declines to delay marijuana vote amid federal uncertainty - Cannabis News
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The Vermont House of Representatives has rejected two attempts to slow marijuana legalization, first by refusing to delay a vote and then by rejecting an amendment that would have delayed legalization to July 2019.
Marijuana glossary: 10 words every marijuana user needs to know - Cannabis News
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Cannabis News
Marijuana culture has a language all its own.
Canadian firm unveils plans for large hemp farm in northern Maine - Cannabis News
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Cannabis News
A Canadian company plans to launch a large, industrial hemp operation in northern Maine this year in the latest sign of burgeoning interest in the versatile yet tightly regulated crop.
A $1 billion marijuana windfall for New Jersey? Some say it's possible - Cannabis News
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Business & Finance
New Jersey could reap as much as $1 billion a year from legal marijuana — the equivalent of more than a half-cent boost in the sales tax — if the state taxes the industry aggressively and imposes fees on growers, distributors, testing labs, retailers and delivery services, according to projections by a law firm.
Out of state customers take advantage of legal adult cannabis use in California - Cannabis News
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Cannabis News
The new year is bringing a green opportunity for local cannabis dispensaries.
AZ company launches alcohol-free, THC-infused wine
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Business & Finance
The legal marijuana market could blaze across the United States in 2018.
World’s largest Hemp extraction plant to be brought to Kentucky, producing positive and profound influence on health care industry - Cannabis News
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Cannabis News
Kings Royal announced just a few months ago that it had selected Kentucky for the location of this plant because of Kentucky’s great potential for growing hemp.
The Top Medical Cannabis Studies of 2017 - Cannabis News
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Medical News
We took a look at some of the most impactful studies in medical cannabis, specifically those relating to CBD.
15 Biggest U.S. Cities That Will Have Legalized Marijuana in 2018 - Cannabis News
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2018 is only a few short days away, which means several states will be instituting new marijuana laws.
Marijuana studied as treatment for tics of Tourette syndrome - Cannabis News
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Medical News
Marijuana is being studied as a treatment for Tourette syndrome’s involuntary movements and vocalizations.
Wisconsin: Farmers In Barron County Pack Meeting On How To Grow Hemp - Cannabis News
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Cannabis News
Around 100 farmers interested in growing hemp as a cash crop gathered last Wednesday in Barron County. Some say they're considering planting test plots as early as next year, just months after lawmakers lifted a ban on the crop.
Despite Hurdles the Michigan Cannabis Market Is On Fire
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Business & Finance
As it becomes clear that the American public is overwhelmingly in favor of legalizing cannabis, more politicians than ever began coming out in support of the marijuana movement over the past year.
Jack in the Box flirts with cannabis culture, but don't expect other big names to follow just yet - Cannabis News
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Business & Finance
Jack in the Box is teaming up with weed-centric online site called Merry Jane to launch late night munchie kits.
