WeedLife News Network
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The first resort-based medicinal cannabis dispensary in Jamaica, HedoWeedo, has opened in Negril with high-end cannabis making its way to the island's west coast. HedoWeedo, which is independently owned and operated, is located within the Hedonism II resort, but not part of the all-inclusive experience. Hedonism II, a pioneer in Jamaica's hospitali
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic the New Mexico Department of Health approved rules that put into practice a state law allowing medical cannabis patients from other states to buy, possess and use medical cannabis in New Mexico. The law was passed in 2019 as part of a massive statutory change for medical cannabis. That law also included a separate provis
Approval of medical marijuana on Nov. 3 by Mississippi voters, based at least on polling, seems like a lead-pipe cinch. A poll conducted by Millsaps College and Mississippi-based Chism Strategies in 2019 placed support for legalizing medical marijuana at 67% to 27%. In today’s polarized society, it’s difficult to find that level of support for many
A landmark bill that would decriminalize marijuana use at the federal level is up for vote soon. The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on the legislation in September, according to an email sent out on Friday by Majority Whip James Clyburn. Politico first reported on the pending vote. The "Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungeme
In many states, dispensaries are essential businesses during the pandemic. Here are some of the most common safety measures they’ve implemented. Even though dispensaries are considered essential businesses, the pandemic has still affected them. Just like any other business, marijuana retailers are enforcing new safety measure to keep you COVID-free
How Next Months Trading Could Affect These Top Pot Stocks to Watch Original link
A company in New Zealand has developed the world’s first hemp-based meat, which it plans to roll out as a sustainable alternative to meat as early as next year. Original link
With the COVID-19 pandemic firmly in place, industries relying on events are being forced to not only rethink their marketing and promotion strategies, they are also seeing a demand to take their shows online by innovating reactive, virtual platforms. Original link
Bill O’Reilly eyed my brother and me like a hungry lion looking over a couple of lambs. He twisted his face into the trademark O’Reilly sneer and scolded us with a tone of triumph: “Come on, you know what the ruse is, you know what the scam is.” I’d known the comment was coming. It’s standard procedure for hostile journalists. They all think medica
Though science hasn’t gotten far when it comes to using CBD for sciatica, results from existing studies show CBD can help diminish neuropathic pain and inflammation caused by this condition. The studies primarily include research performed with Sativex, a drug that contains both CBD (non-psychoactive) and THC (the psychoactive component of cannabi
The Netherlands has pioneered many parts of the cannabis industry as it has evolved and changed over the last half century. See the eponymous coffee shop. As a nation, Holland is home to an entrepreneurial ethos that feels like a mixture of American free market economics overlaid on European sensibilities. Like Germany next door, for example, prost
Since Arkansas voters passed the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment in 2016, more than 72,500 Arkansans have obtained Medical Marijuana Prescription Cards in order to obtain products to treat the 18 qualifying conditions. These Arkansans include a sleepless cancer survivor, a 10-year-old epileptic child with seizures and a combat veteran with pos
As Executive Director of The Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association and as a former member of the Pennsylvania Department of Health Medical Marijuana Advisory Board, I would like to express my concerns, and those of many of our membership, about the legalization of marijuana and the relative effects on public safety in or communities. I believe
It’s been four years since Florida voters signed off on a law legalizing medical marijuana, but cannabis patients in the Sunshine State have been unable to receive treatment in the form of edibles—until now. The Florida Department of Health published new emergency rules on Wednesday evening that clear the way for the state’s medical marijuana indus
2020 will always be remembered as the year of coronavirus. In the retail marketplace, people were driven away from physical retail stores and became increasingly reliant on remote shopping. Also, many nervous consumers dealing with pandemic-induced stress and sleeping disorders have been embracing the relatively new marketplace of cannabidiol (CBD)
As hemp growers prepare to harvest their crop, many questions still remain about the future of hemp, with growers, processors and manufacturers left waiting on two federal agencies and the state to decide how to regulate the industry. “We have these, like, three government agencies that regulate parts of the plant and none of them talk to each othe
Nebraska voters will decide this November on a statewide ballot measure seeking to legalize and regulate medical marijuana access in the state. In an e-mail sent out to supporters today from the campaign, proponents Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana announced that they have met the state’s signature requirements and that the ballot measure’s languag
How Will These Small and Mid-Sized Pot Stocks Continue to Perform in September? Original link