WeedLife News Network
Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.
It's in Kentucky — once called the “Hemp Capital of the World” — where farmers are seeing hemp outperform other long-standing crops like tobacco.
The only coffee company with more locations in Canada than Second Cup is Starbucks.
With more and more states legalizing marijuana, whether for medical use, recreational use, or both, increasing numbers of Americans are using cannabis.
Gov. Bruce Rauner on Saturday signed a bill legalizing industrial hemp, adding Illinois to a growing list of states that allow the growth of cannabis for non-drug purposes.
As federal agencies actively recruit veterans, a new bill would allow government employees to legally get the treatment that is proving helpful for PTSD and pain management: marijuana.
Oregon weed isn't just the cheapest in the country. Its wholesale prices for outdoor-grown cannabis flower are now the lowest the United States has ever seen.
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) thinks that the federal government should keep its hands off the increasing number of states legalizing cannabis.
It doesn’t get you high, but it’s causing quite a buzz among medical scientists and patients.
As legal marijuana enters a new, credible age in the U.S., its connoisseurs are maturing right along with the industry.
“Don’t be surprised when people who say they were against it vote for it,” Sweeney said, predicting Republicans who support expanding medical marijuana will support legalization, too.
The CEO of the accelerator program said once recreational or medical marijuana becomes legal, whether at the federal level or at the state level, the participants of the accelerator will be 10 steps ahead of those who want to enter the industry after it has been legalized.
After years of trying to get laws changed, hemp advocates and would-be farmers are on the cusp of gaining new legal standing via the 2018 farm bill.
Cannabis tourism is growing at a fast clip, drawing thousands of people — and millions of dollars — to states where adult use of cannabis is legal.
While 13% of Americans say they "regularly" or "occasionally" use or smoke marijuana, the rate is significantly higher among the 18 to 29 age group and is higher in the West than in other regions of the country.
Scientists are also looking for way to suppress or modulate inappropriate brain signals, spurring development of new drugs with novel brain targets, such as cannabinoid receptors.
Constellation Brands Inc., which for seven decades has made its money off beer, wine and whiskey, sees its future in a marijuana leaf.
As state experimentation with legalization grew, media coverage of marijuana's supposed health benefits increased, and public opinion and demographics shifted, Republicans -- some of whom had touted their hard-line stances as unalterable -- began to soften.
Job seekers from in and around Calgary lined up to hand in their resumes Tuesday for an opportunity to work in the cannabis industry, as new retail company 420 Premium Market held a job fair at the BMO Centre at Stampede Park.