WeedLife News Network
Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.
Kristen Gwynne ~ Rolling Stone ~
States across the country are struggling to translate their medical marijuana laws into functional programs
Daniel Vasquez ~ Sun Sentinel ~
When pot is this good, people don't give up. And Florida is not giving up on medical-grade marijuana anytime soon.
Jack Suntrup ~ St. Louis Post-Dispatch ~
A circuit judge has ruled that Missouri's so-called "Right to Farm" amendment doesn't allow farming pot.
Lori Denman-Underhill ~ LA Weekly ~
“You've got to hold it in your lungs longer, George.” A lot of people remember the famous comment by actor Peter Fonda in Easy Rider.
Douglas A. McIntyre ~ 247 Wall Street ~
Colorado’s effort to tax marijuana as a means to help the state budget never materialized, at least financially, slowing expansion of industries supported by the drug. As attempts to approve marijuana’s use in other states and cities falters, these industries face unexpected road blocks.
Mario J Garcia ~ NBC News ~
Three mothers and their sick kids share how medical marijuana has helped
Laura Donovan ~ SALON ~
Opponents of legal cannabis say it leaves you fried, but research shows it can actually improve your mental health
Jeremy B. White ~ The Sacramento Bee ~
California’s latest attempt to regulate medical marijuana advanced off the Assembly floor on a 50-5 vote Thursday.
Thomas Mitchell ~ Westword ~
Congress voted on two amendments to a Department of Justice spending bill Wednesday that would protect marijuana businesses in states where they're legal, but only one of them passed.
James T. Mulder ~ Syrac ~
Syracuse, N.Y. -- Medical marijuana dispensaries may be coming to Utica and Rochester.
Jennifer Brooks ~ StarTribune ~
Small number will certify their patients for medical marijuana, survey finds.
Beth Greenfield ~ Yahoo News ~
Kalel Santiago, 9, who has autism, spoke his first words shortly after starting hemp-oil treatments.
Jeff Mapes ~ The Oregonian ~
Depending on who's talking, a 20-acre hemp farm about 10 miles south of Grants Pass is either the harbinger of a new industry that could help save rural Oregon – or an existential threat to local marijuana farmers just as they're anticipating boom times.
Zachariah Hughes ~ Alaska Public Media ~
This weekend, Alaska saw its first-ever job fair for careers in commercial cannabis, offering a glimpse of how the semi-legal marijuana industry is taking tentative steps towards professionalism and profits.
Kyle Munzenrieder ~ Miami New Times ~
Almost a year ago, Gov. Rick Scott signed the Charlotte’s Web bill into law, legalizing a non-euphoric strain of marijuana for medical use in Florida.
Anemona Hartocollis ~ The New York Times ~
WALLKILL,N.Y. - Don Crawford comes from a long line of Orange County farmers. Though he no longer tends dairy cows, he still cuts hay for the thriving equestrian industry, and cringes at the creep of the suburbs.
Kyle Potter ~ Associated Press ~
ST. PAUL, Minn. - Sarah Wellington thought she had everything squared away to register for Minnesota's medical marijuana program.
Bibi Patel ~ University Press ~
Revised recreational marijuana bill SB 1176, died in the Regulated Industries Committee