WeedLife News Network

Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.
Kansas lawmaker introduces Cannabis amnesty bill
Editor in Chief
Is there serious money to be made trading the flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant? Amercanex isn’t alone in betting there will be, someday.
No decision from U.S. Supreme Court on Colorado marijuana case – Marijuana News
Editor in Chief
The U.S. Supreme Court did not make a decision Monday on whether to hear a lawsuit brought against Colorado over marijuana legalization.
LeBron James' Foundation announces plans for multimillion-dollar Akron medical facility
Editor in Chief
RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- The Manufacturing of Industrial Hemp for commercial purposes was approved according to Virginia's Legislation Information System.
Bureau of Land Management seizes more than one million marijuana plants during annual CAMP program
Editor in Chief
These “medical refugees”, families who relocated to Colorado for legal medical marijuana treatment, have helped to change cannabis laws in at least 19 states.
Colorado’s first full-sized hemp house takes shape - Cannabis News
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Cannabis News
Notorious for its strict marijuana laws, Louisiana is looking at legalized weed as a way to get out of debt. What will happen to its prisoners?
Cannabis could help treat stress, PTSD and phobias – Cannabis News
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Medical News
In true Trump fashion, the man is all over the place, and could at best become a lukewarm ally for state’s rights, or at worst, the leader of a new pot pogrom akin to that of Ronald Reagan.
Social Life Network Announces Turning Point in Technology
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Press Releases
Legal pot startups brought in more than $200 million from investors last year, more than twice what they had in 2014.
‘Kind of taboo’: Pot industry moms form support group in an era of legalization – Cannabis News
Editor in Chief
President Barack Obama may smell something familiar on April 2 when marijuana activists inspired by comedian Bill Maher host what they believe will be a massive act of civil disobedience in front of the White House.
Hemp could make EV batteries better, here’s how
Editor in Chief
More than three-quarters of Iowans now favor allowing people to use marijuana as medicine, but most remain opposed to legalizing it for recreation, a new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows.
Social Life Network appoints D. Scott Karnedy as Chief Operating Officer
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Press Releases
The Las Vegas Paiute Tribe already runs a smoke shop downtown and a golf course in the northwest valley. Now a third business venture — in medical marijuana — is on the horizon.
The Cannabis Branding Battle Ahead - Cannabis News
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Business & Finance
There was one name that kept popping up in dispensaries, cafes, cannabis-related start-ups, and even what is known as a "grow" — an indoor marijuana plantation — in Denver, Colorado on the day before Super Tuesday: Bernie Sanders.
Medical Marijuana Platform Offering Scholarships For Cannabis Research
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Medical News
A proposal to allow minors with certain medical conditions to use marijuana for palliative purposes is back before legislators this year, this time with the backing of onetime opponents: pediatricians.
Bernie Sanders Promises to Legalize Marijuana At Puerto Rico Rally – Marijuana News
Editor in Chief
As Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton prepare for Super Tuesday, marijuana legislation has hit the headlines again.
California pot growers now eligible for energy discounts offered to other farmers – Cannabis News
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Business & Finance
The legislation now goes to the House where advocates of the proposal believe it has a good chance to pass.
For insurers, no rush to offer pot coverage - Marijuana News
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Business & Finance
Marijuana may be the fastest growing industry in the U.S., with expected yearly revenue of $11 billion by 2019. So, why aren't major insurance companies providing coverage?
Canada Post to start delivering marijuana
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World News
After sitting out a failed effort to legalize recreational marijuana in Ohio last year, a national pot policy group is taking the lead to legalize medical marijuana in Ohio.
Lawsuit: Shops in Catoosa, Dade Counties claim legal right to sell products with THC
Editor in Chief
Business & Finance
Adelanto, known 80 years ago for its fruit trees, is tying its star to another agricultural boom. In November, it became the second city in Southern California to permit commercial cultivation of medical marijuana.
New York City's first recreational Marijuana dispensary set to open next week in Manhattan
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Cannabis News
While it's still controversial, medical marijuana is edging toward normality.
